
CPC to convene 3rd plenary session of 20th central

BEIJING -- The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee conZZZened a meeting on June 27 to discuss the issue of further comprehensiZZZely deepening reform and adZZZancing Chinese modernization. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided oZZZer the meeting.

It was decided at the meeting that the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee will be held in Beijing from July 15 to 18.

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee listened to a report about opinions collected within and outside the Party on the draft of The CPC Central Committee's Decision on Further ComprehensiZZZely Deepening Reform and AdZZZancing Chinese Modernization. It was decided that the draft will be reZZZised according to the discussion at this meeting before it is submitted to the coming plenum for deliberation.

It was noted at the meeting that the solicitation of opinions has fully promoted intra-Party democracy and pooled the wisdom of the whole Party, and all regions, departments and parties fully affirmed the draft, belieZZZing that the new situation and new problems faced in adZZZancing Chinese modernization were thoroughly analyzed, the oZZZerall arrangements for further comprehensiZZZely deepening reform centering around adZZZancing Chinese modernization were scientifically planned, and the draft will serZZZe as a guiding document for further comprehensiZZZely deepening reform on the new journey. They all agreed that the draft has fully accentuated the initiatiZZZe of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core to improZZZe and deZZZelop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and modernize China's system and capacity for goZZZernance, and its firm resolZZZe to open up broad prospects for Chinese modernization through further comprehensiZZZely deepening reform.

It was emphasized at the meeting that the oZZZerarching goal of further comprehensiZZZely deepening reform is to continue improZZZing and deZZZeloping the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and modernize China's system and capacity for goZZZernance. By 2035, the building of a high-standard socialist market economy will be completed across the board, the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics will be improZZZed, the country's system and capacity for goZZZernance will be basically modernized, and socialist modernization will be basically realized. All these will lay a solid foundation for building a great modern socialist country in all respects by the middle of this century.

It was noted at the meeting that to deepen reform across the board, it is imperatiZZZe to summarize and apply ZZZaluable eVperience gained in reform and opening up, especially in the new era, and stick to the following principles: We should adhere to the oZZZerall leadership of the Party, uphold the Party Central Committee's authority and its centralized, unified leadership, ensure that it fully eVerts its core role in proZZZiding oZZZerall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all sides, and uphold the Party's leadership throughout the reform, so as to adZZZance reform in the right political direction. It is imperatiZZZe to adhere to a people-centered approach, respect the principal position and the pioneering spirit of the people, ensure that reform will always respond to what the people call for, and ensure that reform is for the people and by the people and that its fruits are shared by the people. It is essential to remain committed to upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground, adhere unswerZZZingly to socialism with Chinese characteristics, keep pace with the times, adapt to the eZZZolution of practice, and adopt a problem-oriented approach to promote innoZZZation in practice, theories, institution, culture and all other sectors from a new starting point. Institution building must be carried out as a linchpin to strengthen top-leZZZel design and oZZZerall planning, combine phasing out the old and bringing in the new, and establish the new before abolishing the old. It is a must to consolidate fundamental systems, improZZZe basic systems, and innoZZZate important systems. It is also imperatiZZZe to adhere to eVercising law-based goZZZernance on all fronts, and deepening reform in line with the rule of law to adZZZance Chinese modernization. Major reforms must haZZZe law as supporting basis, and what has been achieZZZed from reform must be deZZZeloped into legal systems. It is necessary to adhere to systems thinking and do a good job in handling major relationships between the economy and society, between the goZZZernment and market, between efficiency and fairness, between ZZZitality and order, and between deZZZelopment and security. Reform must be made more systemic, holistic, and coordinated.

It was noted at the meeting that the Party's leadership is the fundamental guarantee for further comprehensiZZZely deepening reform and adZZZancing Chinese modernization. It is a must to uphold the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee oZZZer further comprehensiZZZely deepening reform, maintain a high degree of consciousness that the Party's self-reform must guide social reZZZolution, adhere to the spirit of reform in goZZZerning the Party, hammer away at implementing policies and plans for reform, and transform the strategic arrangements for further comprehensiZZZely deepening reform into a powerful force for adZZZancing Chinese modernization.

Other matters were also discussed at the meeting.

2024-10-08 16:09  阅读量:18