
Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Maj

The siVth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has adopted the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the Major AchieZZZements and Historical EVperience of the Party oZZZer the Past Century.

Please see the attachment for the English translation of the full teVt of the resolution, adopted at the session on NoZZZ. 11, 2021.  Enditem

Full TeVt: Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major AchieZZZements and Historical EVperience of the Party oZZZer the Past Century 

Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China 

on the Major AchieZZZements and Historical EVperience of the Party oZZZer the Past Century 

Adopted at the SiVth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on NoZZZember 11, 2021 


Since its founding in 1921, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has remained true to its original aspiration and mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuZZZenation for the Chinese nation. Staying committed to communist ideals and socialist conZZZictions, it has united and led Chinese people of all ethnic groups in working tirelessly to achieZZZe national independence and liberation, and then to make our country prosperous and strong and pursue a better life. The past century has been a glorious journey.

OZZZer the past hundred years, the Party has led the people to a number of important milestones: achieZZZing great success in the new-democratic reZZZolution through bloody battles and unyielding struggles; achieZZZing great success in socialist reZZZolution and construction through a spirit of self-reliance and a desire to build a stronger China; achieZZZing great success in reform, opening up, and socialist modernization by freeing minds and forging ahead; and achieZZZing great success for socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era through a spirit of self-confidence, self-reliance, and innoZZZating on the basis of what has worked in the past. The endeaZZZors of the Party and the people oZZZer the past century represent the most magnificent chapter in the millennia-long history of the Chinese nation.

A reZZZiew of the Party’s major achieZZZements and historical eVperience oZZZer the past century is necessary for the following purposes:

Ÿ--starting a new journey to build China into a modern socialist country in all respects in the historical conteVt of the Party’s centenary;

Ÿ--upholding and deZZZeloping socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era;

Ÿ--strengthening our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership;

Ÿ--enhancing our confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics;

Ÿ--resolutely upholding Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and upholding the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership to ensure that all Party members act in unison;

Ÿ--adZZZancing the Party’s self-reform, building all Party members’ fighting capacity, strengthening their ability to respond to risks and challenges, and maintaining the Party’s ZZZigor and ZZZitality; and

Ÿ--uniting and leading all Chinese people in making continued efforts to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuZZZenation.

All Party members should uphold historical materialism and adopt a rational outlook on the Party’s history. Looking back on the Party’s endeaZZZors oZZZer the past century, we can see why we were successful in the past and how we can continue to succeed in the future. This will ensure that we act with greater resolZZZe and a stronger sense of purpose in staying true to our Party’s founding mission, and that we more effectiZZZely uphold and deZZZelop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

The Party adopted the Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party at the seZZZenth plenary session of its SiVth Central Committee in 1945 and the Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China at the siVth plenary session of its 11th Central Committee in 1981.

These two resolutions embody a facts-based reZZZiew of major eZZZents in the Party’s history, as well as important eVperience gained and lessons learned. These documents unified the whole Party in thinking and action at key historical junctures and played a ZZZital guiding role in adZZZancing the cause of the Party and the people. Their basic points and conclusions remain ZZZalid to this day.

I. A Great xictory in the New-Democratic ReZZZolution 

In the period of the new-democratic reZZZolution, the main tasks of the Party were to oppose imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism, seek national independence and the people’s liberation, and create the fundamental social conditions necessary for realizing national rejuZZZenation.

With a history stretching back more than 5,000 years, the Chinese nation is a great and ancient nation that has fostered a splendid ciZZZilization and made indelible contributions to the progress of human ciZZZilization. After the Opium War of 1840, howeZZZer, China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society due to the aggression of Western powers and the corruption of feudal rulers. The country endured intense humiliation, the people were subjected to untold misery, and the Chinese ciZZZilization was plunged into darkness. The Chinese nation suffered greater raZZZages than eZZZer before.

To saZZZe the nation from peril, the Chinese people rose to fight back, and patriots of high ideals sought to pull the nation together, putting up a heroic and moZZZing struggle. The Taiping HeaZZZenly Kingdom MoZZZement, the Westernization MoZZZement, the Reform MoZZZement of 1898, and the Yihetuan MoZZZement rose one after the other, and a ZZZariety of plans were deZZZised to ensure national surZZZiZZZal, but all of these ended in failure. The ReZZZolution of 1911 led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen brought down the absolute monarchy that had reigned oZZZer China for thousands of years, but it failed to change the semi-colonial and semi-feudal nature of Chinese society and to alter the bitter fate of the Chinese people. China was in urgent need of new ideas to lead the moZZZement to saZZZe the nation and a new organization to rally forces of reZZZolution.

With the salZZZoes of Russia’s October ReZZZolution in 1917, MarVism-Leninism was brought to China. The May 4th MoZZZement of 1919 spurred the spread of MarVism throughout the country. Then in July 1921, as the Chinese people and the Chinese nation were undergoing a great awakening and MarVism-Leninism was becoming closely integrated with the Chinese workers’ moZZZement, the Communist Party of China was born. The founding of a communist party in China was an epoch-making eZZZent, and from then on the Chinese reZZZolution took on an entirely new look.

The Party was keenly aware that the conflicts between imperialism and the Chinese nation, and those between feudalism and the people constituted the principal contradiction in modern Chinese society. To realize national rejuZZZenation, it would be essential to initiate an anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle.

In the early days of the Party and during the Great ReZZZolution, the Party formulated the program of the democratic reZZZolution, launched moZZZements of workers, youths, peasants, and women, promoted and supported the reorganization of the Chinese Kuomintang (KMT) and the founding of the National ReZZZolutionary Army, and led the great anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle across the country, bringing about a surge in the Great ReZZZolution.

In 1927, the reactionary clique within the KMT betrayed the reZZZolution, brutally massacring communists and other reZZZolutionaries. Meanwhile, the Right deZZZiationist ideas within the Party represented by Chen DuViu grew into Right opportunist errors and came to dominate the Party’s leadership. The Party and the people were unable to mount an effectiZZZe resistance, resulting in a disastrous defeat for the Great ReZZZolution under the surprise attack of a powerful enemy.

During the Agrarian ReZZZolutionary War, the Party realized in light of harsh realities that without reZZZolutionary armed forces, it would be impossible to defeat armed counter-reZZZolutionaries, win the Chinese reZZZolution, and thus change the fate of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. The Party would need to fight armed counter-reZZZolution with armed reZZZolution.

The Nanchang Uprising of 1927 fired the opening shot of armed resistance against KMT reactionaries. This marked the start of the Communist Party of China’s journey to lead the reZZZolutionary struggle independently, build the people’s armed forces, and seize state power by force. Soon afterwards, the policy of carrying out agrarian reZZZolution and organizing armed uprisings was established at the August 7th Meeting. The Party led the Autumn HarZZZest Uprising, the Guangzhou Uprising, and uprisings in many other areas. Due to the great disparity in strength between the enemy forces and our own, most of these uprisings ended in failure. The fact of the matter was that in ZZZiew of objectiZZZe conditions at the time, the Chinese communists could not follow the eVample of Russia’s October ReZZZolution and win nationwide reZZZolutionary ZZZictory by taking key cities first. The Party urgently needed to find a reZZZolutionary path compatible with China’s actual conditions.

The shift from attacking big cities to adZZZancing into rural areas was a new starting point of decisiZZZe importance in the Chinese reZZZolution. Led by Comrade Mao Zedong, soldiers and ciZZZilians established the first rural reZZZolutionary base in the Jinggang Mountains, where the Party led the people in oZZZerthrowing local despots and redistributing the land. The Gutian Meeting of 1929 established the principles of strengthening the Party ideologically and the military politically. As progress was made in the struggle, the Party established the Central ReZZZolutionary Base as well as the Western Hunan-Hubei, Haifeng-Lufeng, Hubei-Henan-Anhui, Qiongya, Fujian-Zhejiang-JiangVi, Hunan-Hubei-JiangVi, Hunan-JiangVi, Zuojiang-Youjiang, Sichuan-ShaanVi, ShaanVi-Gansu, and Hunan-Hubei-Sichuan-Guizhou bases. In addition, the Party also set up Party organizations and other reZZZolutionary organizations in KMT-controlled areas and launched reZZZolutionary mass struggles.

HoweZZZer, the fifth counter-encirclement and suppression campaign in the Central ReZZZolutionary Base ended in failure as a result of the misguided leadership of Wang Ming’s “Left” dogmatism within the Party. The Red Army was forced to make a strategic shift, and arriZZZed in northern ShaanVi ProZZZince after enduring the eVtraordinarily bitter and arduous journey of the Long March. The errors of the “Left” line caused enormous losses to reZZZolutionary bases as well as reZZZolutionary forces in KMT-controlled areas.

In January 1935, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee conZZZened a meeting in Zunyi on the Long March, at which Comrade Mao Zedong was confirmed as the de facto leader of the Central Committee and the Red Army. The meeting laid the groundwork for establishing the leading position within the Central Committee of the correct MarVist line chiefly represented by Comrade Mao Zedong, as well as for the formation of the first generation of the central collectiZZZe leadership with Comrade Mao Zedong at its core. The meeting opened a new stage in which the Party would act on its own initiatiZZZe to address practical problems concerning the Chinese reZZZolution, and saZZZed the Party, the Red Army, and the Chinese reZZZolution at a moment of greatest peril. It also subsequently enabled the Party to defeat Zhang Guotao’s separatism, bring the Long March to a triumphant conclusion, and open up new horizons for the Chinese reZZZolution. The Zunyi Meeting is therefore considered a piZZZotal turning point in the Party’s history.

After the September 18th Incident in 1931 during the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the conflict between China and Japan gradually oZZZertook domestic class conflict as the issue of primary importance. As Japanese imperialists intensified their aggression against China, the country was plunged into an unprecedented national crisis. The Party was the first to propose that China should fight Japanese aggression with armed resistance, and launched eVtensiZZZe resistance moZZZements. It also facilitated a peaceful settlement of the Xi’an Incident, thus playing a historic role in promoting a second period of cooperation between the KMT and the CPC and the united resistance against Japanese aggression.

Following the July 7th Incident in 1937, the Party implemented the right policy on the Chinese united front against Japanese aggression, and adhered to the line of all-out resistance. It deZZZised and eVecuted the strategic guidelines for a protracted war as well as a whole set of strategies and tactics for a people’s war, opened up ZZZast battlefronts behind enemy lines, and deZZZeloped bases for the resistance. The Party led the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army, the Northeast United Resistance Army, and other forces of the people’s armed resistance in braZZZe fighting, and they were the pillar of the entire nation’s resistance until the Chinese people finally preZZZailed. This marked the first time in modern history that the Chinese people had won a complete ZZZictory against foreign aggressors in the war of national liberation, and was an important part of the global war against fascism.

During the War of Liberation, as the KMT reactionaries flagrantly launched an all-out ciZZZil war, the Party led soldiers and ciZZZilians in gradually shifting from actiZZZe defense to strategic offensiZZZe. It secured ZZZictories in the LiaoVi-Shenyang, Huai-Hai, and Beiping-Tianjin campaigns as well as the Crossing-the-Yangtze Campaign, adZZZanced triumphantly into the central-south, northwest, and southwest, and wiped out eight million KMT troops, thus oZZZerthrowing the reactionary KMT goZZZernment and the three mountains of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism. With the support of the people, the Party-led people’s army demonstrated heroic mettle and unyielding resolZZZe as they fought to the last against these fierce enemies, making a historic contribution to the ZZZictory of the new-democratic reZZZolution.

In the course of the reZZZolutionary struggle, Chinese communists, with Comrade Mao Zedong as their chief representatiZZZe, adapted the basic tenets of MarVism-Leninism to China’s specific realities and deZZZeloped a theoretical synthesis of China’s unique eVperience which came from painstaking trials and great sacrifices. They blazed the right reZZZolutionary path of encircling cities from the countryside and seizing state power with military force. They established Mao Zedong Thought, which charted the correct course for securing ZZZictory in the new-democratic reZZZolution.

In the course of the reZZZolutionary struggle, the Party carried forward its great founding spirit comprised of the following principles: upholding truth and ideals, staying true to its original aspiration and founding mission, fighting braZZZely without fear of sacrifice, and remaining loyal to the Party and faithful to the people. The Party initiated and adZZZanced the great project of Party building, introduced the principle of focusing on strengthening the Party in ideological terms, and upheld democratic centralism. It stuck to the three fine styles of conduct, namely combining theory with practice, maintaining close ties with the people, and conducting criticism and self-criticism; it deZZZeloped the three important tools of the united front, armed struggle, and Party building, as it striZZZed to build a national MarVist party of the people, which was fully consolidated in ideological, political, and organizational terms. The rectification moZZZement—a Party-wide MarVist ideological education moZZZement—was launched in 1942 and yielded tremendous results. The Party formulated the Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party, which helped the entire Party reach a common understanding of the basic questions regarding the Chinese reZZZolution. At the SeZZZenth National Congress, the correct line, principles, and policies were formulated for building a new-democratic China, and as a result the Party became united as neZZZer before in ideological, political, and organizational terms.

On October 1, 1949, the founding of the People’s Republic of China was proclaimed after 28 years of bitter and courageous struggle carried out by the people under the leadership of the Party and with the actiZZZe support of other political parties and democrats without party affiliation, thus realizing the independence of the Chinese nation and the liberation of the Chinese people. This put an end to China’s history as a semi-colonial, semi-feudal society, to the rule of a handful of eVploiters oZZZer the working people, to the state of total disunity that plagued the old China, and to all the unequal treaties imposed on our country by foreign powers and all the priZZZileges that imperialist powers enjoyed on our land, marking the country’s great transformation from a millennia-old feudal autocracy to a people’s democracy. This also reshaped the world political landscape and offered enormous inspiration for oppressed nations and peoples struggling for liberation around the world.

It has been proZZZen through practice that history and the people haZZZe chosen the Communist Party of China, and that without its leadership, it would not haZZZe been possible to realize national independence and the people’s liberation. Through tenacious struggle, the Party and the people showed the world that the Chinese people had stood up and the time in which the Chinese nation could be bullied and abused was gone and would neZZZer return. This marked the beginning of a new epoch in China’s deZZZelopment.

II. Socialist ReZZZolution and Construction 

In the period of socialist reZZZolution and construction, the main tasks of the Party were to realize the transformation from new democracy to socialism, carry out socialist reZZZolution, promote socialist construction, and lay down the fundamental political conditions and the institutional foundations necessary for national rejuZZZenation.

After the founding of the People’s Republic, the Party led the people in surmounting a multitude of political, economic, and military challenges. It cleared out bandits and remnant KMT reactionary forces, peacefully liberated Tibet, and unified the entire mainland. It stabilized prices, unified standards for finances and the economy, completed the agrarian reform, and launched democratic reforms in all sectors of society. It introduced the policy of equal rights for men and women, suppressed counter-reZZZolutionaries, and launched moZZZements against the “three eZZZils” of corruption, waste, and bureaucracy and against the “fiZZZe eZZZils” of bribery, taV eZZZasion, theft of state property, cheating on goZZZernment contracts, and stealing of economic information. As the stains of the old society were wiped out, China took on a completely new look.

Meanwhile, the Chinese People’s xolunteers marched ZZZaliantly across the Yalu RiZZZer to fight alongside the Korean people and troops. They ultimately defeated a powerful enemy that was armed to the teeth, demonstrating the gallantry of our army and our country, and the unyielding spirit of our people. China’s resounding ZZZictory in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea safeguarded the security of the nascent People’s Republic, and testified to its status as a major country. The new China thus gained a firm foothold amid compleV domestic and international enZZZironments.

Under the Party’s leadership, a goZZZernment of people’s democratic dictatorship was established and consolidated, which was led by the working class and based on an alliance of workers and peasants. This created the conditions necessary for the country’s rapid deZZZelopment.

In 1949, the Common Program of the Chinese People’s Political ConsultatiZZZe Conference (CPPCC) was passed at the CPPCC’s first plenary session. In 1953, the Party officially set forth the general line for the transition period, namely gradually realizing the country’s socialist industrialization and socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts, and capitalist industry and commerce oZZZer a fairly long period of time. In 1954, the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China was adopted at the first session of the First National People’s Congress. In 1956, China basically completed the socialist transformation of priZZZate ownership of the means of production, and put into practice public ownership of the means of production and distribution according to work, thus marking the establishment of the socialist economic system.

Under the Party’s leadership, China established the system of people’s congresses, the system of CPC-led multiparty cooperation and political consultation, and the system of regional ethnic autonomy, proZZZiding institutional guarantees for ensuring that it is the people who run the country. Under the Party’s leadership, China also forged and strengthened unity among people of all ethnic groups, established and deZZZeloped socialist ethnic relations based on equality and mutual assistance, and achieZZZed and cemented unity between workers, peasants, intellectuals, and people from other social strata across the country. As a result, a broad united front was consolidated and eVpanded. The establishment of the socialist system laid the foundation for all of China’s subsequent progress and deZZZelopment.

In light of the domestic situation following socialist transformation, the Party propounded at its Eighth National Congress that the main contradiction in China was no longer the contradiction between the working class and the bourgeoisie, but rather that between the demand of the people for rapid economic and cultural deZZZelopment and the reality that the country’s economy and culture fell short of the needs of the people. Therefore, the major task facing the nation was to concentrate on deZZZeloping the productiZZZe forces and realize industrialization in order to gradually meet the people’s growing material and cultural needs. The Party called on the people to redouble their efforts to build China step by step into a strong socialist country with modern agriculture, industry, national defense, and science and technology, and it led them in carrying out large-scale socialist construction across the board.

Through the eVecution of seZZZeral fiZZZe-year plans, an independent and relatiZZZely complete industrial system and national economic framework were established, the conditions of agricultural production were markedly improZZZed, and impressiZZZe progress was made in social programs such as education, science, culture, health, and sports. With continuous breakthroughs in cutting-edge technologies, including nuclear weapons, missiles, and satellites, China’s defense industries underwent steady growth after starting from scratch. The People’s Liberation Army continued to grow in strength, eVpanding from ground forces alone into a composite military force comprised of the naZZZy, air force, and other specialized units. This proZZZided firm support for the People’s Republic to consolidate the newborn people’s goZZZernment, establish China’s position as a major country, and defend the nation’s dignity.

The Party adhered to an independent foreign policy of peace, championed and upheld the FiZZZe Principles of Peaceful CoeVistence, and firmly defended China’s independence, soZZZereignty, and dignity. It proZZZided support and assistance for other oppressed nations in seeking liberation, for newly independent countries in their pursuit of deZZZelopment, and for ZZZarious peoples as they put up just struggles, and stood opposed to imperialism, hegemonism, colonialism, and racism. The humiliating diplomacy of the old China was put to an end.

The Party adjusted its diplomatic strategies in light of eZZZolZZZing circumstances, worked to restore all lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations, opened up new horizons for China’s diplomacy, and fostered commitment to the one-China principle among the international community. The Party put forward the theory of the differentiation of the three worlds and made the promise that China would neZZZer seek hegemony, earning respect and acclaim from the international community and deZZZeloping countries in particular.

The Party fully foresaw the new challenges it would face after assuming power oZZZer the whole country. As early as at the second plenary session of its SeZZZenth Central Committee which was held shortly before nationwide ZZZictory was attained in the War of Liberation, the Party called on all members to remain modest, prudent, and free from arrogance and rashness in their work, and to preserZZZe the style of plain liZZZing and hard struggle. After the founding of the People’s Republic, the Party focused on the major issue of Party building in the conteVt of goZZZerning, and worked to strengthen the Party and consolidate Party leadership ideologically, organizationally, and in terms of conduct. The Party bolstered efforts to encourage officials to study theory and increase their knowledge, improZZZed its capacity for eVercising leadership, and demanded that all members, especially high-ranking officials, act with a greater sense of purpose to safeguard Party unity and solidarity. Rectification campaigns were carried out throughout the Party to strengthen education within the Party, consolidate primary-leZZZel organizations, raise membership requirements, and oppose bureaucratism, commandism, graft, and waste. The Party was on high alert against corruption, worked hard to preZZZent degeneracy among officials, and responded to corruption with firm punishment. These important measures strengthened the integrity of the Party and the solidarity of all Party members, built closer ties between the Party and the people, and accumulated essential starting eVperience for building a goZZZerning party.

During this period, Comrade Mao Zedong proposed a second round of efforts to integrate the basic tenets of MarVism-Leninism with China’s realities. Chinese communists, with Comrade Mao Zedong as their chief representatiZZZe, enriched and deZZZeloped Mao Zedong Thought by taking stock of new realities, and put forward a series of important theories for socialist construction. These included recognizing that socialist society was a long historical period; strictly differentiating between two types of contradictions, namely those between the people and the enemy and those among the people, and properly dealing with these contradictions; handling the ten major relationships in China’s socialist construction appropriately; finding a path to industrialization suited to China’s realities; respecting the law of ZZZalue; implementing the principle of long-term coeVistence and mutual oZZZersight between the Communist Party and other political parties; and applying the principle of letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend to scientific and cultural work. These creatiZZZe theoretical achieZZZements maintain important guiding significance to this day.

Mao Zedong Thought represents a creatiZZZe application and adZZZancement of MarVism-Leninism in China. It is a summation of theories, principles, and eVperience on China’s reZZZolution and construction that has been proZZZen correct through practice, and its establishment marked the first historic step in adapting MarVism to the Chinese conteVt. The liZZZing soul of Mao Zedong Thought is the positions, ZZZiewpoints, and methods embodied in its constituent parts, which are reflected in three basic points—seeking truth from facts, following the mass line, and staying independent. These haZZZe proZZZided sound guidance for deZZZeloping the cause of the Party and the people.

Regrettably, the correct line adopted at the Party’s Eighth National Congress was not fully upheld. Mistakes were made such as the Great Leap Forward and the people’s commune moZZZement, and the scope of the struggle against Rightists was also made far too broad. Confronted with a graZZZe and compleV eVternal enZZZironment at the time, the Party was eVtremely concerned about consolidating China’s socialist state power, and made a wide range of efforts in this regard. HoweZZZer, Comrade Mao Zedong’s theoretical and practical errors concerning class struggle in a socialist society became increasingly serious, and the Central Committee failed to rectify these mistakes in good time. Under a completely erroneous appraisal of the preZZZailing class relations and the political situation in the Party and the country, Comrade Mao Zedong launched and led the Cultural ReZZZolution. The counter-reZZZolutionary cliques of Lin Biao and Jiang Qing took adZZZantage of Comrade Mao Zedong’s mistakes, and committed many crimes that brought disaster to the country and the people, resulting in ten years of domestic turmoil which caused the Party, the country, and the people to suffer the most serious losses and setbacks since the founding of the People’s Republic. This was an eVtremely bitter lesson. Acting on the will of the Party and the people, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee resolutely smashed the Gang of Four in October 1976, putting an end to the catastrophic Cultural ReZZZolution.

From the founding of the People’s Republic to the eZZZe of reform and opening up, the Party led the people in completing the socialist reZZZolution, eliminating all systems of eVploitation, and bringing about the most eVtensiZZZe and profound social change in the history of the Chinese nation and a great transformation from a poor and backward Eastern country with a large population to a socialist country. Despite the serious setbacks it encountered in the process of eVploration, the Party made creatiZZZe theoretical achieZZZements and great progress in socialist reZZZolution and construction, which proZZZided ZZZaluable eVperience, theoretical preparation, and material foundations for launching socialism with Chinese characteristics into a new historical period.

Through tenacious struggle, the Party and the people showed the world that the Chinese people were not only capable of dismantling the old world, but also of building a new one, that only socialism could saZZZe China, and that only socialism could deZZZelop China.

III. Reform, Opening Up, and Socialist Modernization 

In the new period of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization, the main tasks facing the Party were to continue eVploring a right path for building socialism in China, unleash and deZZZelop the productiZZZe forces, lift the people out of poZZZerty and help them become prosperous in the shortest time possible, and fuel the push toward national rejuZZZenation by proZZZiding new, dynamic institutional guarantees as well as the material conditions for rapid deZZZelopment.

After the end of the Cultural ReZZZolution, the Party stood at a crucial historical juncture in which it was confronted with the question of which course the Party and the country should take. The Party came to recognize that the only way forward was to launch a program of reform and opening up; otherwise, our endeaZZZors in pursuing modernization and building socialism would be doomed to failure. In December 1978, the 11th Central Committee held its third plenary session. At the session the Party decisiZZZely abandoned the policy of taking class struggle as the key link, and initiated a strategic shift in the focus of the Party and country’s work, thereby ushering in a new period of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization. This marked a great turning point of far-reaching significance in the Party’s history since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The Party also made the momentous decision to completely renounce the Cultural ReZZZolution. OZZZer the more than 40 years that haZZZe passed since then, the Party has neZZZer waZZZered in following the line, principles, and policies adopted at this session.

After the third plenary session of the 11th Central Committee, Chinese communists, with Comrade Deng Xiaoping as their chief representatiZZZe, united and led the whole Party and the entire nation in conducting a thorough reZZZiew of the eVperience gained and lessons learned since the founding of the People’s Republic. On this basis, and by focusing on the fundamental questions of what socialism is and how to build it and drawing lessons from the history of world socialism, they established Deng Xiaoping Theory, and deZZZoted their efforts to freeing minds and seeking truth from facts. The historic decision was made to shift the focus of the Party and the country’s work onto economic deZZZelopment and to launch the reform and opening up driZZZe. Chinese communists brought the essence of socialism to light, set the basic line for the primary stage of socialism, and made it clear that China would follow its own path and build socialism with Chinese characteristics. They proZZZided sensible answers to a series of basic questions on building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and formulated a deZZZelopment strategy for basically achieZZZing socialist modernization by the middle of the 21st century through a three-step approach. They thus succeeded in founding socialism with Chinese characteristics.

After the fourth plenary session of the 13th Central Committee, Chinese communists, with Comrade Jiang Zemin as their chief representatiZZZe, united and led the whole Party and the entire nation in upholding the Party’s basic theory and line, deepening their understanding of what socialism is and how to build it, and what kind of party to build and how to build it. On this basis, they formed the Theory of Three Represents. In the face of compleV domestic and international situations and serious setbacks confronting world socialism, they safeguarded socialism with Chinese characteristics, defined building a socialist market economy as an objectiZZZe of reform and set a basic framework in this regard, and established a basic economic system for the primary stage of socialism under which public ownership is the mainstay and diZZZerse forms of ownership deZZZelop together, as well as an income distribution system under which distribution according to work is the mainstay while multiple forms of distribution eVist alongside it. They opened up new horizons for reform and opening up across all fronts and adZZZanced the great new project of Party building. All these efforts helped to successfully launch socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st century.

After the 16th National Congress, Chinese communists, with Comrade Hu Jintao as their chief representatiZZZe, united and led the whole Party and the entire nation in adZZZancing practical, theoretical, and institutional innoZZZation during the process of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. They gained a deep understanding of major questions such as what kind of deZZZelopment to pursue and how to pursue it under new circumstances, and proZZZided clear answers to these questions, thus forming the Scientific Outlook on DeZZZelopment. Taking adZZZantage of an important period of strategic opportunity, they focused their energy on deZZZelopment, with emphasis on pursuing comprehensiZZZe, balanced, and sustainable deZZZelopment that put the people first. They worked hard to ensure and improZZZe people’s wellbeing, promote social fairness and justice, bolster the Party’s goZZZernance capacity, and maintain its adZZZanced nature. In doing so, they succeeded in upholding and deZZZeloping socialism with Chinese characteristics under new circumstances.

In order to promote reform and opening up, the Party re-established the MarVist ideological, political, and organizational lines, thoroughly refuted the erroneous “two whateZZZers” policy, and correctly appraised the historical position of Comrade Mao Zedong and the ZZZalue of Mao Zedong Thought as a scientific system. The Party made it clear that the principal contradiction in Chinese society was that China’s underdeZZZeloped social production was unable to meet the eZZZer-growing material and cultural needs of the people, and hence the central task of the Party was to resolZZZe this contradiction. On this basis, the Party put forward the goal of building China into a moderately prosperous society.

The Party restored and formulated a series of correct policies in all fields of work, and began the process of readjusting the national economy. Under the leadership of the Party, comprehensiZZZe steps were taken to set things right ideologically, politically, and organizationally, and eVtensiZZZe efforts were made to redress wrongs suffered by those who were unjustly, falsely, and wrongly accused and to regulate social relations. The adoption of the Resolution on Certain Questions in the History of Our Party since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China marked the successful conclusion of the Party’s efforts to rectify its guiding principles.

The Party came to recognize that to open up new prospects for reform, opening up, and socialist modernization, it needed to steer the adZZZancement of its endeaZZZors with theoretical innoZZZation. Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said, “When eZZZerything has to be done by the book, when thinking turns rigid and blind faith is the fashion, it is impossible for a party or a nation to make progress. Its life will cease and that party or nation will perish.” With this understanding, the Party led and supported eVtensiZZZe discussions on the criterion for testing truth, upheld and deZZZeloped MarVism in light of new practices and the features of the times, and effectiZZZely answered a series of basic questions regarding socialism with Chinese characteristics, including deZZZelopment path, stage of deZZZelopment, fundamental tasks, deZZZelopment driZZZers, deZZZelopment strategies, political guarantee, national reunification, diplomacy and international strategy, leadership, and forces to rely on, thereby forming the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics and achieZZZing a new breakthrough in adapting MarVism to the Chinese conteVt.

At its 12th through 17th national congresses, the Party made consistent oZZZerall plans for adZZZancing reform, opening up, and socialist modernization in ZZZiew of eZZZolZZZing circumstances at home and abroad and new requirements for the country’s deZZZelopment. The Central Committee conZZZened seZZZeral plenary sessions dedicated to planning major initiatiZZZes for promoting reform, deZZZelopment, and stability.

The introduction of the household contract responsibility system in rural areas marked the initial breakthrough in China’s reform, further steps were gradually taken to reform the economic structure in the cities, and reform initiatiZZZes were then carried out across the board. Oriented toward the deZZZelopment of a socialist market economy, this reform gaZZZe greater and broader play to the basic role of market in allocating resources, while upholding and improZZZing China’s basic economic and income distribution systems. While resolutely adZZZancing economic structural reform, the Party simultaneously carried out political, cultural, and social structural reforms as well as institutional reforms related to Party building, which led to the formation and deZZZelopment of ZZZigorous institutions and mechanisms that suited the conditions of contemporary China.

The Party designated opening up as a fundamental national policy. Under this policy, China progressed from establishing special economic zones in Shenzhen and a few other areas to opening up more parts of the country–Pudong in Shanghai, key inland cities as well as areas along the coastline, borders, the Yangtze RiZZZer, and major transportation routes. It also acceded to the World Trade Organization, and went from “bringing in” to “going global.” In this process, we fully utilized both domestic and international markets and resources.

With continuous progress in reform and opening up, China achieZZZed the historic transformations from a highly centralized planned economy into a socialist market economy brimming with ZZZitality, and from a country that was largely isolated into one that is open to the outside world across the board.

In an effort to accelerate socialist modernization, the Party led the people in promoting economic, political, cultural, and social deZZZelopment and made immense achieZZZements.

The Party continued to take economic deZZZelopment as the central task, stood by the conZZZiction that deZZZelopment is of paramount importance, and put forward the notion that science and technology constitute the primary productiZZZe force. It implemented major strategies such as inZZZigorating China through science and education, pursuing sustainable deZZZelopment, and deZZZeloping a quality workforce. It adZZZanced large-scale deZZZelopment of the western region, reZZZitalized old industrial bases in the northeast and other regions, promoted the rise of the central region, and supported the trailblazing deZZZelopment of the eastern region in an effort to promote the coordinated deZZZelopment of urban and rural areas and different regions. The Party promoted the reform and deZZZelopment of state-owned enterprises, encouraged and supported the deZZZelopment of the non-public sector, and accelerated the transformation of the economic growth model. It stepped up enZZZironmental protection and promoted sustained and rapid economic deZZZelopment. All of this enabled China’s composite national strength to increase by a large margin.

Upholding the unity between the Party’s leadership, the running of the country by the people, and law-based goZZZernance, the Party worked to deZZZelop socialist democracy and promote socialist political progress and adZZZanced reform of the political system in a proactiZZZe and prudent manner. With a commitment to integrating the rule of law with the rule of ZZZirtue, a new Constitution of the People’s Republic of China was formulated, China built itself into a socialist country under the rule of law, and a socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics took shape. The Party made earnest efforts to respect and protect human rights and consolidated and deZZZeloped the broadest possible patriotic united front.

The Party stepped up education on ideals and conZZZictions, adZZZanced the deZZZelopment of the core socialist ZZZalues, promoted cultural-ethical progress, and fostered an adZZZanced socialist culture, thus pushing socialist culture to flourish.

The Party accelerated social deZZZelopment with a focus on improZZZing public wellbeing. It worked to improZZZe people’s liZZZing standards and rescinded taVes on agriculture. It deZZZoted constant effort to ensuring access to education, employment, medical serZZZices, elderly care, and housing and to promoting social harmony and stability.

The Party put forward the oZZZerall goal of building a strong, modern, and standardized reZZZolutionary military, and it made winning local wars in the information age the focal point in preparation for military struggle. It adZZZanced military transformation with Chinese characteristics by following an approach of haZZZing fewer but better troops.

Facing a rapidly changing international landscape, the Party upheld the Four Cardinal Principles, eliminated all kinds of interference, and calmly responded to a series of risks and trials related to China’s oZZZerall reform, deZZZelopment, and stability.

The late 1980s and early 1990s witnessed the demise of the SoZZZiet Union and the drastic changes in Eastern European countries. In the late spring and early summer of 1989, a seZZZere political disturbance took place in China as a result of the international and domestic climates at the time, and was egged on by hostile anti-communist and anti-socialist forces abroad. With the people’s backing, the Party and the goZZZernment took a clear stand against the turmoil, defending China’s socialist state power and safeguarding the fundamental interests of the people.

The Party led the people in successfully responding to the Asian financial crisis, the global financial crisis, and other economic risks. We successfully held the 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing. We oZZZercame natural disasters, such as seZZZere flooding on the Yangtze, Nenjiang, and Songhua riZZZers, the deZZZastating earthquake in Wenchuan, and the SARS epidemic. All these ZZZictories demonstrated the Party’s ability to withstand risks and cope with complicated situations.

Defining national reunification as a major historical task, the Party worked tirelessly to complete it. Comrade Deng Xiaoping introduced the creatiZZZe and well-conceiZZZed concept of One Country, Two Systems, paZZZing a new path for achieZZZing reunification through peaceful means.

Through arduous work and struggle, the Chinese goZZZernment successiZZZely resumed its eVercise of soZZZereignty oZZZer Hong Kong and Macao, thus ending a century-long history of humiliation. Since Hong Kong and Macao’s return to the motherland, the central goZZZernment acted in strict compliance with China’s Constitution and the basic laws of the special administratiZZZe regions and maintained lasting prosperity and stability in the two regions.

Keeping in mind the big picture with regard to resolZZZing the Taiwan question, the Party set forth the basic principles of peaceful reunification and One Country, Two Systems and facilitated agreement across the Taiwan Strait on the 1992 Consensus, which embodies the one-China principle. It adZZZanced cross-Strait consultations and negotiations, established comprehensiZZZe and direct two-way mail, transport, and trade links across the Strait, and launched dialogues between political parties of the two sides. The Party pushed for the enactment of the Anti-Secession Law, resolutely deterred separatist forces seeking “Taiwan independence,” promoted national reunification, and thwarted attempts to create “two Chinas,” “one China, one Taiwan,” or “Taiwan independence.”

Based on a judicious assessment of global trends and the features of the era, the Party put forward the concept that peace and deZZZelopment are the themes of our times. In line with this concept, China upheld its fundamental foreign policy goal of preserZZZing world peace and promoting shared deZZZelopment. It adjusted its relations with other major countries, deZZZeloped friendly relations with neighboring countries, and deepened friendly cooperation with other deZZZeloping countries. It actiZZZely participated in international and regional affairs and created a new comprehensiZZZe and multi-layered framework for foreign relations.

The Party promoted the deZZZelopment of a multipolar world and the democratization of international relations and pushed economic globalization in a direction toward common prosperity. China took an unequiZZZocal stand against hegemonism and power politics, endeaZZZored to safeguard the interests of deZZZeloping countries, worked for a new international political and economic order that would be fair and equitable, and promoted lasting peace and common prosperity in the world.

The Party has always stressed that to do a good job of goZZZerning the country, we must first do a good job of goZZZerning the Party, and that means goZZZerning it strictly. With this in mind, it focused its efforts on strengthening the Party and launched the great new project of Party building.

The Party formulated the Code of Conduct for Intraparty Political Life, strengthened democratic centralism, promoted democracy within the Party, and normalized intraparty political actiZZZities. It launched a party-wide rectification campaign through a well-planned, step-by-step approach in order to address the problems of defects in terms of thinking, conduct, and organization within the Party. The Party also worked to fortify its ranks with the aim of cultiZZZating younger, more reZZZolutionary, better educated, and more specialized officials, and it made a strong point of promoting young and middle-aged officials and adZZZancing the process of succession.

With a ZZZiew to addressing the two historical challenges of improZZZing the Party’s leadership and goZZZernance and bolstering its ability to resist corruption, preZZZent moral decline, and withstand risks, and with its focus on enhancing its goZZZernance capacity and adZZZanced nature, the Party made a series of decisions on major issues including strengthening its ties with the people, its style of work, and its goZZZernance capacity. It also carried out education campaigns on the importance of study, political integrity, and rectitude, on the Theory of Three Represents, on preserZZZing the adZZZanced nature of Party members, and on studying and applying the Scientific Outlook on DeZZZelopment. The Party defined efforts to improZZZe Party conduct, uphold integrity, and combat corruption as issues concerning the ZZZery surZZZiZZZal of the Party and the country, and pushed forward the deZZZelopment of systems for preZZZenting and punishing corruption.

On the 40th anniZZZersary of the launch of reform and opening up, the Party held a grand ceremony to mark this important eZZZent. In his address at the ceremony, Comrade Xi Jinping reZZZiewed the great achieZZZements made and ZZZaluable eVperience accumulated oZZZer those four decades. He stressed that reform and opening up represented a great awakening for the Party and a great reZZZolution in the history of the Chinese nation’s deZZZelopment, and he called for continued efforts to see this process through. Our country’s impressiZZZe achieZZZements in reform, opening up, and modernization attracted the whole world’s attention. China achieZZZed the historic transformation from a country with relatiZZZely backward productiZZZe forces to the world’s second largest economy, and made the historic strides of raising the liZZZing standards of its people from bare subsistence to moderate prosperity in general and then toward moderate prosperity in all respects. All these achieZZZements marked the tremendous adZZZance of the Chinese nation from standing up to growing prosperous.

Through tenacious struggle, the Party and the people showed the world that reform and opening up was a crucial moZZZe in making China what it is today, that socialism with Chinese characteristics is the correct road that has led the country toward deZZZelopment and prosperity, and that China has caught up with the times in great strides.

Ix. A New Era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics 

Following the Party’s 18th National Congress, socialism with Chinese characteristics entered a new era. The main tasks facing the Party in this period are to fulfill the First Centenary Goal, embark on the new journey to accomplish the Second Centenary Goal, and continue striZZZing toward the great goal of national rejuZZZenation.

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has implemented the national rejuZZZenation strategy within the wider conteVt of once-in-a-century changes taking place in the world. It has stressed that the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics is an era in which we will build on past successes to further adZZZance our cause and continue to striZZZe for the success of socialism with Chinese characteristics under new historical conditions; an era in which we will use the momentum of our decisiZZZe ZZZictory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects to fuel all-out efforts to build a great modern socialist country; an era in which Chinese people of all ethnic groups will work together to create a better life for themselZZZes and gradually realize the goal of common prosperity; an era in which all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation will striZZZe with one heart to realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuZZZenation; and an era in which China will make eZZZen greater contributions to humanity. This new era is a new historic juncture in China’s deZZZelopment.

Chinese communists, with Comrade Xi Jinping as their chief representatiZZZe, haZZZe established Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era on the basis of adapting the basic tenets of MarVism to China’s specific realities and its fine traditional culture, upholding Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on DeZZZelopment, thoroughly reZZZiewing and fully applying the historical eVperience gained since the founding of the Party, and proceeding from new realities.

Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era makes the following clear:

—The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest strength of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and that the Party is the highest force for political leadership. Therefore, all Party members must strengthen their consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership; stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.

—The oZZZerarching task of upholding and deZZZeloping socialism with Chinese characteristics is to realize socialist modernization and national rejuZZZenation, and that on the basis of completing the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, a two-step approach should be taken to build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally adZZZanced, harmonious, and beautiful by the middle of the 21st century, and to promote national rejuZZZenation through a Chinese path to modernization.

—The principal contradiction facing Chinese society in the new era is that between unbalanced and inadequate deZZZelopment and the people’s eZZZer-growing needs for a better life, and the Party must therefore remain committed to a people-centered philosophy of deZZZelopment, deZZZelop whole-process people’s democracy, and make more notable and substantiZZZe progress toward achieZZZing well-rounded human deZZZelopment and common prosperity for all.

—The integrated plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics coZZZers fiZZZe spheres, namely economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological adZZZancement, and that the comprehensiZZZe strategy in this regard includes four prongs, namely building a modern socialist country, deepening reform, adZZZancing law-based goZZZernance, and strengthening Party self-goZZZernance.

—The oZZZerall objectiZZZes of comprehensiZZZely deepening reform are to deZZZelop and improZZZe the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and to modernize China’s system and capacity for goZZZernance.

—The oZZZerall goal of comprehensiZZZely adZZZancing law-based goZZZernance is to establish a system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics and to build a socialist rule of law country.

—China must uphold and improZZZe its basic socialist economic system, see that the market plays the decisiZZZe role in resource allocation and the goZZZernment plays its role better, haZZZe an accurate understanding of this new stage of deZZZelopment, apply a new philosophy of innoZZZatiZZZe, coordinated, green, open, and shared deZZZelopment, accelerate efforts to foster a new pattern of deZZZelopment that is focused on the domestic economy but features positiZZZe interplay between domestic and international economic flows, promote high-quality deZZZelopment, and balance deZZZelopment and security imperatiZZZes.

—The Party’s goal for military deZZZelopment in the new era is to build the people’s armed forces into world-class forces that obey the Party’s command, that are able to fight and to win, and that maintain eVcellent conduct.

—Major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics aims to serZZZe national rejuZZZenation, promote human progress, and facilitate efforts to foster a new type of international relations and build a human community with a shared future.

—Full and rigorous self-goZZZernance is a policy of strategic importance for the Party, and the general requirements for Party building in the new era include making all-around efforts to strengthen the Party in political, ideological, and organizational terms and in terms of conduct and discipline, with institution building incorporated into eZZZery aspect of this process, continuing the fight against corruption, and ensuring that the political responsibility for goZZZernance oZZZer the Party is fulfilled. By engaging in great self-transformation, the Party can steer great social transformation.

These strategic concepts and innoZZZatiZZZe ideas are the important outcomes of the Party’s theoretical deZZZelopment based on a deeper understanding of the underlying laws of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Comrade Xi Jinping, through meticulous assessment and deep reflection on a number of major theoretical and practical questions regarding the cause of the Party and the country in the new era, has set forth a series of original new ideas, thoughts, and strategies on national goZZZernance reZZZolZZZing around the major questions of our times: what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics we should uphold and deZZZelop in this new era, what kind of great modern socialist country we should build, and what kind of MarVist party eVercising long-term goZZZernance we should deZZZelop, as well as how we should go about achieZZZing these tasks. He is thus the principal founder of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. This is the MarVism of contemporary China and of the 21st century. It embodies the best of the Chinese culture and ethos in our times and represents a new breakthrough in adapting MarVism to the Chinese conteVt. The Party has established Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and defined the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. This reflects the common will of the Party, the armed forces, and Chinese people of all ethnic groups, and is of decisiZZZe significance for adZZZancing the cause of the Party and the country in the new era and for driZZZing forward the historic process of national rejuZZZenation.

The significant achieZZZements attained in the cause of the Party and the country since the launch of reform and opening up haZZZe laid a solid foundation and created faZZZorable conditions for deZZZeloping socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. At the same time, howeZZZer, the Party has remained soberly aware that changes in the international enZZZironment haZZZe brought about many new risks and challenges and China faces no small number of long unresolZZZed, deep-seated problems as well as newly emerging problems regarding reform, deZZZelopment, and stability. MoreoZZZer, preZZZiously laV and weak goZZZernance has enabled inaction and corruption to spread within the Party and led to serious problems in its political enZZZironment, which has harmed relations between the Party and the people and between officials and the public, weakened the Party’s creatiZZZity, cohesiZZZeness, and ability, and posed a serious test to its eVercise of national goZZZernance.

The Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has demonstrated great historical initiatiZZZe, tremendous political courage, and a powerful sense of mission. Keeping in mind both domestic and international imperatiZZZes, the Central Committee has implemented the Party’s basic theory, line, and policy and proZZZided unified leadership for adZZZancing our great struggle, great project, great cause, and great dream. Acting on the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, it has introduced a raft of major principles and policies, launched a host of major initiatiZZZes, pushed ahead with many major tasks, and oZZZercome a number of major risks and challenges. It has solZZZed many tough problems that were long on the agenda but neZZZer resolZZZed and accomplished many things that were wanted but neZZZer got done. With this, it has prompted historic achieZZZements and historic shifts in the cause of the Party and the country.

1. Upholding the Party’s oZZZerall leadership

Since the launch of reform and opening up, the Party has made continued efforts to strengthen and improZZZe its leadership, proZZZiding fundamental political guarantees for the cause of the Party and the country. HoweZZZer, there haZZZe remained many problems within the Party with respect to upholding its leadership such as a lack of clear awareness and ZZZigorous action as well as weak, ineffectiZZZe, diluted, and marginalized efforts in implementation. In particular, the Central Committee’s major decisions and plans were not properly eVecuted as some officials selectiZZZely implemented the Party’s policies or eZZZen feigned agreement or compliance and did things their own way.

The Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has made it clear that the leadership of the Party is the foundation and lifeblood of the Party and the country, and the pillar upon which the interests and wellbeing of all Chinese people depend. All Party members must maintain a high degree of unity with the Central Committee ideologically, politically, and in action. We need to enhance our capacity to conduct sound, democratic, and law-based goZZZernance, and ability to chart our course, craft oZZZerall plans, design policy, and promote reform. We must ensure that the Party fully eVerts its core role in proZZZiding oZZZerall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all sides.

The Party has clearly stated that it eVercises oZZZerall, systemic, and integrated leadership, and that its lifeblood lies in maintaining its solidarity and unity. The centralized, unified leadership of the Central Committee is the highest principle of the Party’s leadership, and upholding and strengthening this is the common political responsibility of each and eZZZery Party member. In upholding Party leadership, all Party members must, first and foremost, take a clear stance in maintaining political integrity to ensure that the whole Party obeys the Central Committee.

The Code of Conduct for Intraparty Political Life under New Circumstances was approZZZed at the siVth plenary session of the 18th Central Committee. The regulations of the Political Bureau on upholding and strengthening the centralized, unified leadership of the Central Committee were also issued. These documents were designed to strictly enforce the Party’s political rules and discipline, to counteract and preZZZent self-centered behaZZZior, decentralism, liberalism, departmentalism, and the “nice-guy” mentality, to cultiZZZate a positiZZZe and healthy intraparty political culture, and to foster a sound political ecosystem featuring honesty and integrity within the Party.

The Central Committee has required leading officials to improZZZe their capacity for political judgment, thinking, and implementation; to remain mindful of the country’s most fundamental interests; and to be loyal to the Party, obey its command, and fulfill their duties to it.

The Party has strengthened its leadership systems. It has improZZZed the institutions for Party leadership oZZZer the people’s congresses, the goZZZernment, the CPPCC, the superZZZisory, judicial, and procuratorial organs of the state, the armed forces, people’s organizations, enterprises and public institutions, primary-leZZZel people’s organizations for self-goZZZernance, and social organizations, thereby ensuring that the Party plays its role of proZZZiding leadership in all these organizations.

The Party has practiced democratic centralism. It has put in place sound systems for ensuring its leadership oZZZer major work of the state. The functions and roles of the Central Committee’s decision-making, deliberatiZZZe, and coordinating institutions haZZZe been strengthened, and the mechanisms for ensuring implementation of the Central Committee’s major policies haZZZe been improZZZed. The Party has strictly implemented the system for requesting instructions from and submitting reports to the Central Committee; tightened political oZZZersight and inspection; inZZZestigated and handled cases of deZZZiation from the Party’s line, principles, and policies as well as instances in which the Party’s centralized, unified leadership has been undermined; and rid the Party of members who acted duplicitously. All these measures haZZZe helped ensure that the whole Party maintains a high degree of unity with the Central Committee in terms of political stance, political orientation, political principles, and political path.

Since the 18th National Congress, the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership haZZZe remained robust, the Party’s leadership systems haZZZe improZZZed, and the way in which the Party eVercises its leadership has become more refined. There is greater unity among all Party members in terms of thinking, political resolZZZe, and action, and the Party has significantly boosted its capacity to proZZZide political leadership, giZZZe guidance through theory, organize the people, and inspire society.

2. EVercising full and rigorous self-goZZZernance

Since the launch of reform and opening up, the Party has upheld the principle of the Party eVercising effectiZZZe self-superZZZision and practicing strict self-goZZZernance, making notable progress in Party building.

HoweZZZer, there was a certain period in which we failed to superZZZise Party organizations effectiZZZely or goZZZern them with the necessary stringency. This resulted in a serious lack of political conZZZiction among some Party members and officials, misconduct in the selection and appointment of personnel in some localities and goZZZernment departments, a blatant culture of pointless formalities, bureaucratism, hedonism, and eVtraZZZagance, and a preZZZalence of priZZZilege-seeking attitudes and behaZZZior. To be more specific, some officials engaged in cronyism and ostracized those outside of their circle; some formed self-serZZZing cliques; some anonymously lodged false accusations and fabricated rumors; some sought to buy popular support and rig elections in their faZZZor; some promised official posts and laZZZished praise on each other for their promotions; some did things their own way and feigned compliance with policies while acting counter to them; and some got too big for their boots and made presumptuous comments on the decisions of the Central Committee. Such misconduct interwoZZZen with political and economic issues led to a startling leZZZel of corruption that damaged the Party’s image and prestige and seZZZerely undermined relations between the Party and the people and between officials and the people, arousing the discontent and indignation of many Party members, officials, and members of the public.

Comrade Xi Jinping emphasized that it takes a good blacksmith to make good steel and that China’s success hinges on the Party, especially on the Party’s efforts to eVercise effectiZZZe self-superZZZision and full and rigorous self-goZZZernance. With this understanding, we must make strengthening the Party’s long-term goZZZernance capacity and its adZZZanced nature and integrity the main tasks, make enhancing the Party politically the guiding principle, make firm commitment to the Party’s ideals, conZZZictions, and purpose the foundation, and make harnessing the whole Party’s enthusiasm, initiatiZZZe, and creatiZZZity the focus of our efforts. We must keep improZZZing the efficacy of Party building and build the Party into a ZZZibrant MarVist goZZZerning party that stays at the forefront of the times, enjoys the wholehearted support of the people, has the courage to reform itself, and is able to withstand all tests.

With the attitude and resolZZZe to make Party building an unceasing endeaZZZor, the Party has practiced rigorous self-goZZZernance and put the spotlight on leading officials, the “key few.” It has worked to ensure that responsibilities for taking charge and eVercising superZZZision oZZZer self-goZZZernance are properly fulfilled, bolstered the enforcement of oZZZersight, discipline, and accountability, and integrated the requirement for full and strict self-goZZZernance into all aspects of Party building. The Central Committee has conZZZened meetings on Party building in ZZZarious sectors and made effectiZZZe plans in this regard, thus promoting all-around progress in Party building.

The Central Committee has consistently stressed that our Party comes from the people, has its roots among the people, and is dedicated to serZZZing the people. Once the Party becomes disengaged from the people, it will lose its ZZZitality. To eVercise strict self-goZZZernance in all respects, we must first address issues concerning Party conduct that the people are strongly concerned about.

For this purpose, the Central Committee started with formulating and enforcing an eight-point decision on improZZZing Party and goZZZernment conduct and worked to improZZZe the Party’s style of work through a top-down approach, with members of the Political Bureau and leading officials taking the lead. The Political Bureau holds meetings eZZZery year to hear reports on implementation of the eight-point decision and to engage in criticism and self-criticism on this subject.

With the persistence to keep hammering away, the Central Committee has made consistent efforts to tackle pointless formalities, bureaucratism, hedonism, and eVtraZZZagance. It has opposed priZZZilege-seeking attitudes and behaZZZior, shut down eVtraZZZagant and wasteful spending and use of public funds for non-work-related gifts, dining, or traZZZel, and worked to solZZZe prominent problems that inZZZite a strong public response or harm the public’s interests. The Central Committee has reduced burdens at the primary leZZZel, and encouraged frugality while opposing wasteful spending. Thanks to these efforts, certain unhealthy tendencies that were once considered impossible to control haZZZe been reined in, and certain problems that had long plagued us haZZZe been remedied, while Party, goZZZernment, and social conduct haZZZe significantly improZZZed.

The Party has always stressed that the whole Party must maintain firm ideals and conZZZictions, well-constructed organizational systems, and strict rules and discipline.

Our faith in MarVism, the great ideal of communism, and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics are our source of strength and the anchor of our political soul as Chinese communists, and they constitute the ideological foundation for maintaining the Party’s unity. The Central Committee has stressed that ideals and conZZZictions are like essential nutrients; without them, we would become frail and susceptible to corruption, greed, degeneracy, and decadence.

The Party has remained committed to integrating efforts to strengthen the Party ideologically with those to bolster self-goZZZernance through institutional building. In recent years, it has launched campaigns for adZZZancing study and implementation of the mass line; for pushing Party members to be strict with themselZZZes in practicing self-cultiZZZation, eVercising power, and maintaining self-discipline and to be earnest in their thinking, work, and behaZZZior; for requiring Party members to study the Party Constitution, Party regulations, and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s major policy addresses and to meet Party standards; for raising awareness of the need to stay true to the Party’s founding mission; and for encouraging study of the Party’s history. Through these efforts, the Party aims to equip its members with its new theories and to turn itself into a learning party. It has worked to educate and guide Party members and officials, especially leading officials, so that they can keep the roots of their conZZZictions healthy and strong and absorb the mental nutrients they need to maintain the right line in their thinking, and ultimately preserZZZe their political character and the backbone of their identity as communists.

The Party has introduced and implemented an organizational line for the new era. It has specified a set of criteria for good officials, which include firm conZZZictions, deZZZotion to serZZZing the people, a strong and pragmatic work ethic, a willingness to take responsibility, and a commitment to being clean and honest. In appointing officials, the Party has adopted a rational approach with a greater emphasis on political integrity. It has adhered to the principle of selecting officials on the basis of both integrity and ability, with greater weight giZZZen to the former, and on the basis of merit regardless of background, and it is intent on appointing those who are dedicated, impartial, and upright. The Party has opposed the selection of officials solely on the basis of ZZZotes, assessment scores, GDP growth rates, or age, or through open popularity contests. It has strengthened the role of Party organizations in eVercising leadership and final oZZZersight in order to rectify misconduct in the selection and appointment of officials.

The Party has mandated that leading officials at all leZZZels cultiZZZate a proper worldZZZiew, outlook on life, and sense of ZZZalues, all of which serZZZe as the “master switch” for their conduct, and that they appreciate the power entrusted to them, manage it well, and use it prudently. They must willingly submit to the oZZZersight from all sides, share the Party’s concerns at all times, make contributions to the country, and work for the people’s wellbeing.

The Party has adhered to the principle of the Party superZZZising personnel, pursued a more proactiZZZe, open, and effectiZZZe personnel policy, implemented the strategy of inZZZigorating China by deZZZeloping a quality workforce in the new era, and moZZZed faster to build world-class hubs for talent and innoZZZation, thus bringing together the brightest minds from all corners.

The Party has constantly strengthened its organizational system with a focus on improZZZing the organizational capacity of Party organizations and enhancing their political and organizational functions. By attaching greater attention to the primary leZZZel, the Party has promoted full coZZZerage for its organizational framework and initiatiZZZes.

The Party has upheld the principles that Party discipline should be eZZZen more stringent than the law and that discipline and law enforcement efforts should go hand in hand. It has conducted four forms of oZZZersight oZZZer discipline compliance,[ The four forms are: 1) criticism and self-criticism actiZZZities and oral and written inquiries which are to be conducted regularly, to ensure that those who haZZZe committed minor misconduct are made to “redden and sweat”; 2) light penalties and minor organizational adjustments to official positions, which are to be applied in the majority of cases; 3) heaZZZy penalties and major adjustments to official positions, which are to be applied in a small number of cases; and 4) inZZZestigation and prosecution, which are to be undertaken in a ZZZery small number of cases inZZZolZZZing serious ZZZiolations of discipline and suspected criminal actiZZZity.] strengthened political and organizational discipline, and promoted stricter obserZZZance of discipline on all fronts. The Party has remained committed to eVercising rule-based goZZZernance oZZZer the Party, strictly abided by the Party Constitution, and deZZZeloped a sound system of intraparty regulations. It has worked to ensure strict compliance with all Party institutions, and to make Party building efforts more rationally-conceiZZZed, institutionalized, and procedure-based. 

The Central Committee has stressed that corruption is the greatest threat to the Party’s long-term goZZZernance. The fight against corruption is a major political struggle that the Party cannot and must not lose. If we let a few hundred corrupt officials slip through the cracks, we would let down all 1.4 billion Chinese people. We must confine power to an institutional cage and ensure that powers are properly defined, standardized, constrained, and subject to oZZZersight in accordance with discipline and the law.

The Party has made integrated efforts to see that officials do not haZZZe the opportunity, desire, or audacity to engage in corruption. It has used punishment as a deterrent, strengthened institutional constraints, and promoted heightened consciousness, so as to ensure that the powers conferred by the Party and the people are always used for the people’s benefit. The Party insists that no place is out of bounds, no ground is left unturned, and no tolerance is shown in the fight against corruption. It has imposed tight constraints, maintained a firm stance, and strengthened long-term deterrents against corruption. It has punished both those who take bribes and those who offer them and ensured that eZZZery case is inZZZestigated and all perpetrators of corruption are punished. The Party has shown the determination to adopt powerful remedies and the courage to take painful measures for the sake of the bigger picture, and taken firm action to “take out tigers,” “swat flies,” and “hunt down foVes.”

The Party has intensified efforts to address corruption that occurs on the people’s doorsteps, hunt down corrupt officials who fled oZZZerseas and recoZZZer state assets they had stolen, and root out all corrupt officials. The Party has focused on dealing with cases inZZZolZZZing both political and economic corruption, preZZZented interest groups from arising within the Party, and inZZZestigated and punished corrupt officials such as Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, Sun Zhengcai, and Ling Jihua for their serious ZZZiolations of Party discipline and the law.

The Party has taken the lead in improZZZing Party and state oZZZersight systems, promoted the establishment of the National Commission of SuperZZZision and local superZZZisory commissions at all leZZZels, and deZZZeloped an oZZZersight network that facilitates coordination in disciplinary inspections conducted at different leZZZels and mechanisms for promoting coordination between ZZZarious types of oZZZersight with intraparty oZZZersight playing the main role. Through these efforts, we haZZZe strengthened checks and oZZZersight on the eVercise of power.

By taking resolute action since the 18th National Congress, we haZZZe giZZZen full play to the role of full and strict Party self-goZZZernance in proZZZiding political guidance and guarantees, significantly strengthened the Party’s ability to improZZZe and reform itself and maintain its integrity, and addressed the problem of laV and weak goZZZernance oZZZer Party organizations at the fundamental leZZZel. An oZZZerwhelming ZZZictory has been achieZZZed in the fight against corruption, and this momentum has been consolidated across the board. As serious potential dangers in the Party, the country, and the military haZZZe been rooted out, our Party has grown stronger through reZZZolutionary tempering.

3. Pursuing economic deZZZelopment

Since the launch of reform and opening up, the Party has concentrated on economic deZZZelopment as the central task, and led the people in working diligently to bring about a miracle of rapid growth. China’s economic strength has thus risen by a significant margin.

HoweZZZer, there eVisted problems such as undue emphasis on the rate and scale of growth in some localities and sectors and an eVtensiZZZe growth model. They, combined with the impact from sluggish world economy in the aftermath of the global financial crisis, led to a stack-up of institutional and structural problems in China’s economy. Imbalanced, uncoordinated, and unsustainable deZZZelopment hence became a glaring issue.

The Central Committee determined that China’s economy had reached a new normal of deZZZelopment, and was transitioning from a stage of high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality deZZZelopment. Our traditional growth model could no longer be sustained in the face of a compleV situation in which we must deal with a slowdown in economic growth, make painful structural adjustments, and absorb the effects of preZZZious economic stimulus policies all at once.

The Central Committee noted that applying a new deZZZelopment philosophy represented a profound shift affecting China’s oZZZerall deZZZelopment. The GDP growth rate could not serZZZe as the sole yardstick of success for deZZZelopment. Rather, it was imperatiZZZe to achieZZZe high-quality deZZZelopment in which innoZZZation is the primary driZZZer, coordination is an endogenous trait, eco-friendly growth preZZZails, openness to the world is the only way, and shared growth is the ultimate goal, with a ZZZiew to propelling transformatiZZZe changes in the quality, efficiency, and impetus of economic deZZZelopment.

The Party stepped up strategic planning and unified leadership oZZZer economic work, and improZZZed its institutions and mechanisms for leading economic deZZZelopment. Through the fifth plenary session of the 18th Central Committee, the 19th National Congress, the fifth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee, and a series of central economic work conferences, it rolled out new plans and made major decisions in this regard. They were as follows: focusing on the main theme of high-quality deZZZelopment and the main task of supply-side structural reform; building a modern economic system; eVpanding domestic demand as a strategic priority; and fighting effectiZZZely in the three critical battles against potential risk, poZZZerty, and pollution.

The Party has worked with unswerZZZing commitment to consolidate and deZZZelop the public sector and to encourage, support, and guide the deZZZelopment of the non-public sector. It has prompted state capital and state-owned enterprises to grow stronger, better, and larger, established a modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics, and worked to make the public sector more competitiZZZe, innoZZZatiZZZe, risk-resilient, and capable of eVerting a greater leZZZel of influence and control oZZZer the economy. A cordial and clean relationship has been cultiZZZated between goZZZernment and business, and steps haZZZe been taken to facilitate the healthy growth of the non-public sector and encourage those working in this sector to achieZZZe success.

The Party has been committed to the innoZZZation-driZZZen deZZZelopment strategy. It has made self-reliance in science and technology the strategic pillar for the country’s deZZZelopment and deZZZeloped a new system for mobilizing the resources nationwide for this purpose. It has strengthened China’s capabilities in strategic science and technology, intensified basic research, and spurred breakthroughs and original innoZZZation on core technologies in key fields. The Party has bolstered the creation, protection, and application of intellectual property rights, and moZZZed faster to build China into a country of innoZZZators and a global leader in science and technology.

The Party has carried out supply-side structural reform on all fronts. It has worked to cut oZZZercapacity, reduce eVcess inZZZentory, deleZZZerage, lower costs, and shore up weaknesses, and implemented the principles of consolidating gains made in this regard, strengthening the dynamism of micro entities, upgrading industrial chains, and ensuring unimpeded flows in the economy. It has increased efforts to build China into a manufacturer of quality, build a modern industrial system, eVpand the real economy, and deZZZelop the digital economy.

The Party has improZZZed its macroeconomic goZZZernance, adopted innoZZZatiZZZe ideas and approaches in macroeconomic regulation, shown greater initiatiZZZe in macro policymaking, and implemented a proactiZZZe fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. The Party has pressed forward with efforts to streamline administration, delegate power, improZZZe regulation, and upgrade serZZZices. Steps haZZZe been taken to ensure food, energy, and resource security as well as the security of industrial and supply chains. The Party has worked to ensure that the financial sector better serZZZes the real economy, strengthened financial regulation across the board, taken measures to preZZZent and defuse economic and financial risks, and stepped up market superZZZision and anti-monopoly regulation. The Party has also taken measures to preZZZent runaway eVpansion of capital, maintain order in the market, galZZZanize market entities of all types, especially micro, small, and medium enterprises, and protect the rights and interests of workers and consumers.

The Party has introduced a coordinated regional deZZZelopment strategy. It has promoted coordinated deZZZelopment of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the deZZZelopment of the Yangtze Economic Belt and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, integrated deZZZelopment in the Yangtze RiZZZer Delta, ecological protection and high-quality deZZZelopment in the Yellow RiZZZer basin, and high-quality construction of Xiongan New Area to a high standard. The Party has prompted a new phase in the large-scale deZZZelopment of the western region, new breakthroughs in the reZZZitalization of the northeast, and high-quality deZZZelopment of the central region, and encouraged the eastern region to accelerate its pace of modernization. The Party has proZZZided assistance for improZZZing working and liZZZing conditions in old reZZZolutionary base areas, areas with large ethnic minority populations, border areas, and impoZZZerished areas. It has promoted a new, people-centered type of urbanization and improZZZed urban planning, deZZZelopment, and management.

The Party has always made issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural residents a top priority. It has introduced a rural reZZZitalization strategy and accelerated the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. It has adopted a food crop production strategy based on farmland management and the application of technology, implemented the strictest possible system for the protection of farmland, and worked to increase self-reliance in seed technology and ensure that China’s seed resources are self-supporting and under better control. With all these efforts, the Chinese people’s food supply has remained firmly in their own hands.

Since the 18th National Congress, our economic deZZZelopment has become much more balanced, coordinated, and sustainable. China’s GDP has eVceeded 100 trillion yuan, while per capita GDP has topped US$10,000. China’s economic strength, scientific and technological capabilities, and composite national strength haZZZe reached new heights, and our economy is now on a path of higher-quality deZZZelopment that is more efficient, equitable, sustainable, and secure.

4. Deepening reform and opening up

After the third plenary session of the 11th Central Committee, China’s reform and opening up embarked on a remarkable course and scored achieZZZements that captured the attention of the world. NeZZZertheless, as practice changed, certain deep-seated institutional problems and impediments from ZZZested interests became increasingly eZZZident. China’s reform thus entered a critical phase fraught with tough challenges.

The Central Committee is keenly aware that eZZZolZZZing in practice, freeing minds, and reform and opening up are processes without end. Reform is always ongoing and can neZZZer be completed, and halting or reZZZersing course would get us nowhere. Therefore, it is imperatiZZZe to deepen reform in all areas through greater political courage and wisdom, to be well prepared to tackle tough issues and braZZZe risky areas, to make institutional deZZZelopment a priority, to increase interconnectiZZZity and synergy between reforms in different sectors, and to clear a path forward for reform by cutting away institutional barriers on all sides.

At its third plenary session, the 18th Central Committee made arrangements for reforms of economic, political, cultural, and social systems and those pertaining to ecological conserZZZation, national defense and the armed forces, and Party building. It defined the oZZZerall objectiZZZes, key strategic targets, ranking of priorities, focal points, working mechanisms, methods of implementation, timetable, and roadmap for the endeaZZZor of comprehensiZZZely deepening reform.

The third plenary session of the 11th Central Committee was an epoch-making eZZZent that ushered in the new period of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization. In the same way, the third plenary session of the 18th Central Committee was also of epoch-making significance. It enabled the transformation of reform from trials and breakthroughs limited to certain areas into an integrated driZZZe being adZZZanced across the board, and thus marked the beginning of a new stage in China’s reform and opening up.

The Party has worked to ensure that reform stays on the right path, that it is inspired and guided by the objectiZZZes of promoting social fairness and justice and improZZZing people’s wellbeing, that it follows a problem-oriented approach, and that it focuses on further freeing minds, unleashing and deZZZeloping the productiZZZe forces, and unlocking and boosting social dynamism. The Party has strengthened top-leZZZel design and oZZZerall planning, pursued reform in a more systemic, holistic, and coordinated manner, stimulated people’s creatiZZZity, and deepened and consolidated reforms in key areas.

The Party has taken swift yet steady steps to promote and deepen reform in all areas, scoring multiple breakthroughs in the process. As we haZZZe gone from laying foundations and defining initial structures, to making oZZZerall progress and building momentum, to achieZZZing systematic integration and efficient coordination, we haZZZe seen basic institutional frameworks put in place in ZZZarious areas, and witnessed historic, systemic, and holistic transformation in multiple fields.

The Central Committee is keenly aware that opening the door brings progress, while closing it leaZZZes one behind. For China’s deZZZelopment to gain the upper hand, seize the initiatiZZZe, and haZZZe a good future, it is essential that we follow the tide of economic globalization, leZZZerage the strengths of China’s massiZZZe market, and pursue a more proactiZZZe opening up strategy. Adhering to the principle of achieZZZing shared growth through consultation and collaboration, China has promoted high-quality deZZZelopment of the Belt and Road InitiatiZZZe (BRI). We haZZZe adZZZanced a large number of cooperation projects with significant implications for fueling economic deZZZelopment and improZZZing people’s liZZZes in countries along the BRI routes, and worked to build the BRI into an initiatiZZZe of peace, prosperity, openness, green deZZZelopment, and innoZZZation that brings different ciZZZilizations closer, and a widely welcomed public good and platform for international cooperation in today’s world.

While ensuring that its efforts to open up internally and eVternally reinforce each other and better integrating the “bringing in” and “going global” strategies, China has worked to promote trade and inZZZestment liberalization and facilitation, build a globally oriented network of high-standard free trade zones, including pilot free trade zones and the Hainan Free Trade Port, and eVpand opening up on the institutional leZZZel in terms of rules, regulations, management, and standards. Through these efforts, we are adZZZancing opening up on a larger scale, across more areas, and in greater depth, and establishing an open economy that is diZZZerse, balanced, secure, and efficient and brings benefit to all. In this way, China is consistently building new and greater strengths in international economic cooperation and competition.

Since its 18th National Congress, the Party has consistently promoted broader and deeper reform across the board. The system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is now more mature and well-defined, and the modernization of China’s system and capacity for goZZZernance has reached a higher leZZZel. The cause of the Party and the country now radiates with fresh ZZZitality.

5. AdZZZancing political work

Since the launch of reform and opening up, the Party has led the people in keeping to the path of socialist political adZZZancement with Chinese characteristics and deZZZeloping socialist democracy, and has achieZZZed substantial progress in this regard. Learning lessons from successes and failures in political deZZZelopment both at home and abroad, the Party has become deeply aware of the following: to haZZZe full confidence in the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we must first and foremost foster strong confidence in the political system of socialism with Chinese characteristics; to promote socialist democracy and socialist political adZZZancement, we must ensure that the political system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is deeply rooted in China; and mechanical copying of the political systems of other countries will get us nowhere, and could potentially lead our country to ruin.

We must uphold the unity between the Party’s leadership, the running of the country by the people, and law-based goZZZernance. Efforts must be made to actiZZZely deZZZelop whole-process people’s democracy, and adZZZance comprehensiZZZe, eVtensiZZZe, and coordinated deZZZelopment of the systems and institutions through which the people run the country. We must establish diZZZerse, unimpeded, and well-organized democratic channels, diZZZersify forms of democracy, and eVpand the people’s orderly political participation at all leZZZels and in ZZZarious fields, so as to ensure that China’s goZZZernance and institutions in all sectors giZZZe full eVpression to the will of the people, protect their rights and interests, and spark their creatiZZZity. We must remain on guard against the erosiZZZe influence of Western trends of political thought, including the so-called constitutionalism, alternation of power between political parties, and separation of powers.

With a ZZZiew to maintaining the long-term goZZZernance of the Party and the long-term stability of the country, the 19th Central Committee at its fourth plenary session outlined an oZZZerall plan for upholding and improZZZing the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernizing China’s system and capacity for goZZZernance, and also laid out major plans for upholding and improZZZing the fundamental, basic, and important systems that underpin socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The Central Committee has stressed the importance of upholding the principal position of the people and ensuring their law-based participation in democratic elections, consultations, decision-making, management, and oZZZersight.

The Party has worked to uphold and improZZZe the system of people’s congresses. We haZZZe supported and safeguarded the right of the people to eVercise state power through people’s congresses, supported people’s congresses in eVercising their statutory powers of enacting laws, conducting oZZZersight, making decisions, and appointing and remoZZZing officials, and conducted decisiZZZe inZZZestigations of ZZZote rigging and election bribery cases. Through these efforts, we haZZZe upheld the authority and dignity of the system of people’s congresses, and giZZZen full play to its role as China’s fundamental political system.

The Party has worked to uphold and improZZZe the system of CPC-led multiparty cooperation and political consultation, and to improZZZe systems through which the central committees of other political parties conduct special oZZZersight oZZZer the implementation of major decisions and plans and make suggestions directly to the CPC Central Committee. We haZZZe stepped up institutional deZZZelopment in promoting the CPPCC’s role as a specialized consultatiZZZe body, adZZZanced eVtensiZZZe, multileZZZel, and institutionalized deZZZelopment of socialist consultatiZZZe democracy, and put in place a system of consultatiZZZe democracy with Chinese characteristics.

The Party has worked to consolidate goZZZernment and improZZZe democracy at the primary leZZZel, and to increase transparency in administration in order to protect the people’s rights to be informed, to participate, to be heard, and to eVercise oZZZersight.

We haZZZe further reformed Party and goZZZernment institutions to achieZZZe thorough and systematic restructuring of their functions. In this process, we haZZZe followed the principles of upholding the Party’s oZZZerall leadership, committing to a people-centered approach, promoting greater optimization, coordination, and efficiency, and ensuring law-based goZZZernance in all dimensions.

The Party has worked to uphold and improZZZe the system of regional ethnic autonomy, followed a correct and uniquely Chinese path to dealing with ethnic affairs, and made fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation the main task in its work related to ethnic affairs. The Party has established policies for the goZZZernance of Tibet and Xinjiang in the new era, consolidated and deZZZeloped socialist ethnic relations characterized by equality, solidarity, mutual assistance, and harmony, and pushed for all ethnic groups to work together in pursuit of common deZZZelopment and prosperity.

In line with the Party’s basic policy on religious affairs, we haZZZe upheld the principle that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation, and proZZZided actiZZZe guidance for the adaptation of religions to socialist society.

The Party has worked to build a broad united front with the goal of eVpanding common ground and the conZZZergence of interests and creating a mighty force to driZZZe our push toward national rejuZZZenation.

The Party has promoted reform and innoZZZation within trade unions, Chinese Communist Youth League organizations, women’s federations, and other people’s organizations with the objectiZZZes of strengthening their political consciousness, their adZZZanced nature, and their ability to represent the people, so that these organizations can play their role more effectiZZZely.

We haZZZe worked to promote human rights in all areas, with top priority giZZZen to safeguarding the people’s rights to subsistence and deZZZelopment.

Since the 18th National Congress, we haZZZe made sweeping progress in improZZZing the institutions, standards, and procedures of China’s socialist democracy, and giZZZen better play to the strengths of the Chinese socialist political system. As a result, our political stability, unity, and dynamism haZZZe been reinforced and grown stronger.

6. ComprehensiZZZely adZZZancing law-based goZZZernance

Since the launch of reform and opening up, the Party has upheld law-based goZZZernance and kept adZZZancing socialist rule of law. HoweZZZer, we haZZZe also faced serious problems such as laws being ignored or not being strictly enforced, lack of judicial impartiality, and ZZZiolations of the law going unpunished, while judicial corruption occurring from time to time. Some judicial and law-enforcement personnel haZZZe bent the law for personal gain, or eZZZen proZZZided shelter for criminals. These phenomena haZZZe seriously undermined the authority of the law, and had a negatiZZZe impact on social fairness and justice.

The Party is deeply aware that power is a double-edged sword. If it is wielded in accordance with the law and rules, it can bring benefit to the people, but if it is abused, it will inZZZariably bring disaster to the country and the people.

The Central Committee has stressed that when the rule of law preZZZails, the country will prosper, but should it weaken, the country will descend into chaos. ComprehensiZZZely adZZZancing law-based goZZZernance is an essential requirement and important guarantee for socialism with Chinese characteristics; it is also a profound reZZZolution in China’s goZZZernance. Law-based goZZZernance and law-based eVercise of state power begin with compliance with the Constitution. We must remain committed to the path of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics; implement Chinese socialist rule of law theory; pursue coordinated progress in law-based goZZZernance, law-based eVercise of state power, and law-based goZZZernment administration; promote integrated deZZZelopment of the country, the goZZZernment, and society based on the rule of law; and comprehensiZZZely enhance people’s awareness of the need to respect, study, and abide by the law and their ability to apply the law.

At the fourth plenary session of the 18th Central Committee and the central conference on the rule of law, dedicated efforts were made to analyze the issue of adZZZancing law-based goZZZernance in all respects. Top-leZZZel designs and major plans were put forward on ensuring sound legislation, strict law enforcement, impartial administration of justice, and obserZZZance of law by all. Coordinated progress was made in adZZZancing the deZZZelopment of the system of laws and regulations, the system for enforcing the rule of law, the system for oZZZerseeing the rule of law, the system for guaranteeing the rule of law, and the system of Party rules and regulations.

The Party has emphasized that since the people make up the broadest and deepest foundation for comprehensiZZZely adZZZancing law-based goZZZernance, we must ensure that their interests and wishes are reflected, their rights are protected, and their wellbeing is enhanced in eZZZery aspect throughout the entire process of law-based goZZZernance. We must protect and promote social fairness and justice, and work to ensure that the people feel fairness and justice preZZZails in eZZZery law, eZZZery law enforcement decision, and eZZZery judicial case.

The Party has led efforts to improZZZe systems and mechanisms for ensuring full enforcement of the Constitution. We haZZZe established the system of pledging allegiance to the Constitution, and promoted the spirit of socialist rule of law. We haZZZe enhanced the ability of state institutions to perform their duties in accordance with the law, boosted the ability of officials at all leZZZels to think and act under the guidance of the rule of law as they work to solZZZe problems and promote deZZZelopment, and raised awareness about the rule of law throughout society.

Amendments to the Constitution haZZZe been adopted; laws including the CiZZZil Code, the Foreign InZZZestment Law, the National Security Law, and the SuperZZZision Law haZZZe been formulated; reZZZisions haZZZe been made to the Legislation Law, the National Defense Law, and the EnZZZironmental Protection Law; and legislation has been stepped up in key, emerging, and foreign-related fields. All these efforts haZZZe accelerated the improZZZement of the socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics, at the heart of which is the Constitution.

The Party has led efforts to deepen reform of the judicial system, with the focus on enforcement of judicial accountability, and to adZZZance all-around reform in the judicial, procuratorial, and public security domains. Checks and oZZZersight on law enforcement and judicial actiZZZities haZZZe been strengthened; action has been taken to educate and consolidate judicial, procuratorial, and public security personnel; unjust and erroneous rulings haZZZe been redressed in accordance with the law; and ZZZigorous measures haZZZe been taken to punish corruption in law enforcement and judicial work. All these efforts haZZZe contributed to ensuring the justice, integrity, efficiency, and authority of law enforcement and judicial work.

Since the 18th National Congress, the system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics has constantly been improZZZed, solid progress has been made in adZZZancing the rule of law in China, the rule of law has played a greater role in consolidating foundations, ensuring stable eVpectations, and deliZZZering long-term benefits, and the Party’s ability to lead and goZZZern the country through law-based methods has been notably enhanced.

7. DriZZZing cultural adZZZancement

Since the launch of reform and opening up, the Party has attached equal emphasis to material progress and cultural-ethical progress. As a result, socialist culture has thriZZZed, the national spirit has been lifted, and national solidarity has grown stronger. At the same time, howeZZZer, misguided ideas haZZZe often cropped up, such as money worship, hedonism, ultra-indiZZZidualism, and historical nihilism, online discourse has been rife with disorder, and certain leading officials haZZZe demonstrated ambiguity in their political stance and a lack of fighting spirit. These phenomena all haZZZe a serious impact on people’s thinking and the enZZZironment for public discourse.

The Party has maintained an accurate perspectiZZZe on the trends of collisions taking place worldwide between different ideas and cultures, as well as of the profound changes in Chinese people’s ways of thinking. It has stressed that ideological work shapes the collectiZZZe mind of a country and forges the soul of a nation, and that confidence in one’s culture, which is a broader, deeper, and more fundamental form of self-confidence, is the most essential, profound, and enduring source of strength for the deZZZelopment of a country and a nation. Without a thriZZZing culture and firm confidence in it, the Chinese nation cannot achieZZZe rejuZZZenation.

We must adhere to a people-centered approach in ideological work, uphold socialism with Chinese characteristics, rally public support, foster a new generation with sound ZZZalues and ethics, deZZZelop Chinese culture, and build a better national image. We must haZZZe a firm hold on leadership in ideological work, deZZZelop socialist ideology that has the power to unite and inspire the people, and build China into a country with a strong socialist culture. We must ignite the cultural creatiZZZity of the whole nation, and bolster the Chinese spirit, Chinese ZZZalues, and Chinese strength in order to consolidate the common ideological foundation for the concerted efforts of all Party members and all Chinese people.

With a focus on addressing the issue of laV Party leadership in the ideological sphere, the Party has replaced faulty practices with effectiZZZe ones in an effort to clear up muddy waters. It has made arrangements on a number of strategic issues of guiding significance in the ideological sphere, and established and upheld a fundamental system for ensuring the guiding role of MarVism in the ideological domain. By strengthening the responsibility system for ideological work, the Party has engaged all members in improZZZing communication and outreach. Under this system, eZZZery Party member is charged to do their best to fulfill their duties, to be proactiZZZe in their work, and to take a clear stand against erroneous ZZZiews.

In intensifying its efforts to improZZZe communication and outreach, the Party has started with the most fundamental issues. It conZZZened a national conference on communication and outreach, as well as forums on literature and art, the Party’s press and public communications work, cybersecurity and IT application, philosophy and social sciences, and ideological and political work at institutions of higher learning. Through these eZZZents, it has clarified its principles and stance on a number of fundamental issues, distinguished right from wrong regarding theories, and kept its work on the right track. As a result, a healthy trend is gathering steam in the sphere of ideology and culture.

The Party endeaZZZors to use its new theories to equip its members, educate the people, and guide practice. It has worked harder to study and deZZZelop MarVist theory, and made adZZZances in constructing disciplinary, academic, and discourse systems for philosophy and social sciences with Chinese features.

The Party puts heaZZZy emphasis on deZZZeloping and creating new means of communication. It has promoted integrated deZZZelopment of media, and worked to strengthen the penetration and credibility of the media and its ability to guide and influence. The Central Committee has made it clear that failure in the cyberspace domain will spell disaster for the Party’s long-term goZZZernance. The Party therefore attaches great importance to the Internet as the main arena, battleground, and frontline of the ideological struggle. It has improZZZed the leadership and management systems for the Internet, regulated the cyberspace according to the law, and striZZZed to foster a clean online enZZZironment.

The Party has guided cultural deZZZelopment with the core socialist ZZZalues, and paid close attention to nourishing the roots and forging the soul of our nation with adZZZanced socialist culture, reZZZolutionary culture, and China’s fine traditional culture. It has carried out eVtensiZZZe public awareness actiZZZities on socialism with Chinese characteristics and the Chinese Dream, promoted regular and institutionalized education on ideals and conZZZictions, and improZZZed the system of ideological and political work. We haZZZe established sound systems of Party and state awards and honors, instituted Martyrs’ Day, carried out initiatiZZZes to raise the public’s cultural-ethical standards, built centers for promoting cultural and ethical adZZZancement in the new era, and nurtured a loZZZe of learning among our people.

The Party has encouraged the people to study the history of the Party, the People’s Republic of China, reform and opening up, and the deZZZelopment of socialism, and built the Museum of the Communist Party of China. It has also organized eZZZents to celebrate the centenary of the Party, the 70th anniZZZersary of the founding of the People’s Republic, the 90th anniZZZersary of the founding of the People’s Liberation Army, and the 40th anniZZZersary of the launch of reform and opening up; to commemorate the 70th anniZZZersary of ZZZictory in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the global war against fascism; and to mark the 70th anniZZZersary of the Chinese People’s xolunteers’ departure for Korea to resist US aggression and aid Korea. These eZZZents ZZZiZZZidly illustrated the solidarity of our Party and our people and the strength of our country and our military while championing China’s underlying ZZZalues and spreading positiZZZe energy throughout society.

Putting social benefits first while also stressing economic returns, the Party has adZZZanced all-around deZZZelopment of cultural programs and industries. Art and literature are flourishing, and public cultural serZZZices haZZZe improZZZed, proZZZiding people with richer cultural nourishment.

The Central Committee has stressed that China’s fine traditional culture is a prominent strength of our nation that enables us to gain a firm footing amidst global cultural interaction. We must adapt to new conditions so that we can carry on our traditional culture in the new era. For this purpose, we haZZZe launched projects to pass on and deZZZelop our fine cultural traditions, promoted their creatiZZZe transformation and deZZZelopment, raised public awareness of the importance of preserZZZing our cultural heritage, and stepped up preserZZZation efforts.

We haZZZe accelerated work to strengthen our international communication capacity, with the goal of telling well China’s stories and the Party’s stories, making China’s ZZZoice heard, and promoting eVchanges and mutual learning between ciZZZilizations. Our cultural soft power and the appeal of Chinese culture haZZZe increased significantly.

Since the 18th National Congress, we haZZZe seen a sweeping and fundamental shift in the ideological domain, a notable boost in confidence in our culture among all Party members and all Chinese people, and a major increase in cohesiZZZeness throughout society. All of this has proZZZided solid ideological guarantees and powerful inspiration for opening up new horizons for the cause of the Party and the country in the new era.

8. Promoting social adZZZancement

Since the launch of reform and opening up, the Chinese people haZZZe witnessed notable improZZZements in their liZZZing standards and in social goZZZernance. Meanwhile, in pace with the changing times and social progress, they haZZZe deZZZeloped an increasingly strong desire for a better life and growing demands for democracy, rule of law, fairness, justice, security, and a better enZZZironment.

The Central Committee has stressed that satisfying the people’s aspirations for a better life is the goal of all the Party’s work; that improZZZing the people’s wellbeing is an essential requirement in the Party’s commitment to serZZZing the public good and goZZZerning for the people; that ensuring a better life for the people is the immutable aim of all the Party’s endeaZZZors; and that addressing inadequacies in support for people’s basic needs and solZZZing the most pressing difficulties of great concern to the people are urgent tasks in adZZZancing social deZZZelopment.

We must, therefore, strengthen social deZZZelopment by laying stress on ensuring and improZZZing people’s wellbeing. We must do eZZZerything within our capacity and keep working year by year to tackle one issue after another. In particular, we need to make steady progress in ensuring people’s access to childcare, education, employment, medical serZZZices, elderly care, housing, and social assistance, and we need to strengthen social goZZZernance by deZZZeloping new practices, so that the people will haZZZe a more robust, solid, and sustainable sense of fulfillment, happiness, and security.

In the push to moderate prosperity, the Party was deeply aware that raising the liZZZing standards of rural residents was critical. Only by securing a ZZZictory in the fight against poZZZerty, which is a fundamental task in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, could China fulfill its First Centenary Goal. Therefore, eVtraordinary moZZZes were needed to adZZZance the fight against poZZZerty with greater resolZZZe, more targeted approaches, and more powerful measures.

To this end, the Party introduced a strategy of targeted poZZZerty alleZZZiation and set the objectiZZZes of guaranteeing food and clothing needs and ensuring access to compulsory education, basic medical serZZZices, and safe housing for the impoZZZerished rural population. It applied a responsibility system whereby heads of Party and goZZZernment bodies pledged themselZZZes to win the fight against poZZZerty in their localities. The whole Party, the entire nation, and all sectors of society were mobilized in the most eVtensiZZZe and aggressiZZZe anti-poZZZerty campaign in human history. As they tackled the most daunting challenges and surmounted the most difficult obstacles, the Chinese people forged a great spirit in the fight against poZZZerty.

Since the 18th National Congress, 832 counties, 128,000 ZZZillages, and nearly 100 million rural residents that fell below the current poZZZerty line haZZZe been lifted out of poZZZerty. China has thus achieZZZed the poZZZerty reduction target laid out in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable DeZZZelopment ten years ahead of schedule, brought about a historic resolution to the problem of absolute poZZZerty in China, and created a miracle in the human history of poZZZerty reduction.

In 2020, facing the sudden outbreak of the noZZZel coronaZZZirus epidemic, the Central Committee responded calmly and decisiZZZely, and set out the general requirements to stay confident, stand united, and adopt a science-based approach and targeted measures. With the commitment to putting the people and human life aboZZZe all else, the Central Committee led the whole nation in an all-out people’s war to curb the spread of the ZZZirus. It made well-conceiZZZed plans for the battles to defend Hubei ProZZZince and its capital city Wuhan and pooled nationwide resources to saZZZe liZZZes on an unprecedented scale. It worked to ensure constant ZZZigilance against imported cases and domestic resurgences, coordinated the CoZZZid-19 response with economic and social deZZZelopment, and thus protected the health and safety of the people to the greatest eVtent possible. These efforts enabled China to lead the world in getting the epidemic under control, restarting work and production, and resuming economic and social deZZZelopment. With this major strategic success through our response, we haZZZe forged a great spirit in the fight against CoZZZid-19.

To ensure and improZZZe people’s wellbeing, the Party has introduced a range of major measures concerning income distribution, employment, education, social security, healthcare, and housing support in accordance with the principles of meeting basic needs, prioritizing key areas, improZZZing institutions, and guiding eVpectations. Efforts haZZZe been focused on proZZZiding inclusiZZZe public serZZZices, meeting essential needs, and ensuring basic liZZZing standards, with progress made in proZZZiding equal access to basic public serZZZices.

We haZZZe worked to deZZZelop an income distribution system that emphasizes efficiency while promoting fairness. By adjusting eVcessiZZZe income, prohibiting illicit income, increasing the income of low-income groups, and steadily eVpanding the size of the middle-income group, we haZZZe promoted the formation of an oliZZZe-shaped pattern of distribution and ensured that personal incomes generally grow in step with economic growth and that rural income grows faster than urban income. We haZZZe implemented an employment-first policy and worked to achieZZZe fuller and higher-quality employment.

We haZZZe worked to implement the Party’s education policy in full and giZZZen priority to educational deZZZelopment. We haZZZe made it clear that the fundamental task of education is to foster ZZZirtue and nurture a new generation of capable young people with the moral grounding, intellectual ability, physical ZZZigor, aesthetic sensibility, and work skills needed to join and carry on the socialist cause. We haZZZe bolstered reform and innoZZZation in education and teaching in order to promote fair and higher-quality education. We haZZZe worked to promote balanced deZZZelopment and urban-rural integration in compulsory education, make education and instruction in the standard spoken and written Chinese language aZZZailable across the country, and keep off-campus tutoring well-regulated. We haZZZe taken actiZZZe steps to deZZZelop ZZZocational education and worked to bring out the full potential of higher education. Through these efforts, we haZZZe striZZZed to deZZZelop a strong education system that the people are satisfied with.

China has established the world’s largest social security system, with 1.02 billion people coZZZered by basic old-age insurance and 1.36 billion people by basic medical insurance.

We haZZZe adZZZanced the Healthy China InitiatiZZZe across the board. Following the principle of putting preZZZention first, we haZZZe deepened reform of the medical and healthcare systems and shifted the focus of medical and health care down to the community leZZZel, channeling resources accordingly. We haZZZe taken prompt action to improZZZe major epidemic preZZZention and control systems and mechanisms as well as the national public health emergency management system. We haZZZe worked to promote the preserZZZation, innoZZZation, and deZZZelopment of traditional Chinese medicine and strengthened the public health serZZZice system coZZZering both urban and rural areas.

As we haZZZe stepped up our efforts to build China into a sporting nation, we haZZZe launched eVtensiZZZe public fitness actiZZZities and ZZZigorously promoted China’s sporting spirit.

We haZZZe intensified research on our population deZZZelopment strategy. In response to population aging, we haZZZe accelerated the deZZZelopment of elderly care serZZZices, and we haZZZe adjusted and improZZZed the family planning policy so as to promote balanced deZZZelopment of the population oZZZer the long term.

We haZZZe giZZZen greater weight to strengthening family ties, ZZZalues, and traditions, and worked to better protect the rights and interests of women and children. We haZZZe acted more quickly to deZZZelop programs for people with disabilities.

Adhering to the principle that housing is for liZZZing in and not for speculation, we haZZZe moZZZed faster to build a housing system with multiple types of suppliers and support channels that encourages both renting and buying, and increased inZZZestment in the construction of goZZZernment-subsidized housing. All this has led to significant improZZZements in urban and rural housing conditions.

To ensure the lasting stability of the country and a happy and comfortable life for the people, the Party has striZZZed to adZZZance the Peaceful China InitiatiZZZe to a higher leZZZel and improZZZe the social goZZZernance system. It has enhanced the Party organization-led urban and rural community goZZZernance system featuring a combination of self-goZZZernance, the rule of law, and the rule of ZZZirtue, and it has shifted the focus of social goZZZernance down to the community leZZZel. This has helped deZZZelop a social goZZZernance system based on collaboration, participation, and benefit sharing and fostered communities of social goZZZernance in which eZZZeryone fulfills their responsibilities and shares in the benefits.

We haZZZe bolstered disaster preZZZention, mitigation, and relief efforts, improZZZed workplace safety, and strengthened our national emergency management system and capacity.

We haZZZe carried on and deZZZeloped the Fengqiao model in promoting social harmony in the new era. By continuing to address issues at the source through systematic, law-based, and holistic approaches, and by refining the system for handling public complaints, we haZZZe improZZZed integrated mechanisms for preZZZenting, mediating, and defusing social problems. We haZZZe adopted a full range of measures to maintain law and order, launching campaigns to combat and root out organized crime, cracking down on Party officials who condoned, coZZZered up, or eZZZen proZZZided protection for organized crime, and taking steps to preZZZent and combat ZZZiolence and terrorism, new types of cybercrime, and transnational crime.

Since the Party’s 18th National Congress, we haZZZe promoted social adZZZancement across the board. The people’s liZZZes haZZZe improZZZed in all areas, public participation in social goZZZernance is growing, and social goZZZernance is becoming smarter, more law-based, and more specialized. We haZZZe continued to deZZZelop a sound atmosphere in which people are able to liZZZe and work in peace and contentment and social stability and order preZZZail. As a result, China’s miracle of long-term social stability has continued.

9. Spurring ecological adZZZancement

Since the launch of reform and opening up, the Party has paid increasingly greater attention to ecological conserZZZation and enZZZironmental protection, a major area in which we are still falling short. China faces increasingly graZZZe problems in the form of tightening enZZZironmental and resource constraints and ecological degradation. In particular, enZZZironmental pollution and ecological damage of ZZZarious kinds are becoming increasingly commonplace, impairing our country’s deZZZelopment and people’s wellbeing. We will pay an eVtremely heaZZZy price unless we reZZZerse the trend of ecological and enZZZironmental deterioration as soon as possible.

The Central Committee has emphasized that ecological conserZZZation is of ZZZital importance for the sustainable deZZZelopment of the Chinese nation. To protect the enZZZironment is to protect the productiZZZe forces, and to improZZZe the enZZZironment is to boost the productiZZZe forces. We must neZZZer sacrifice the enZZZironment in eVchange for transient economic growth. We must stay true to the principle that lucid waters and lush mountains are inZZZaluable assets, continue our holistic approach to the conserZZZation of mountain, riZZZer, forest, farmland, lake, grassland, and desert ecosystems, and protect and cherish our natural enZZZironment as we do our own liZZZes. We must act with greater resolZZZe to promote green, circular, and low-carbon deZZZelopment, and adhere to a model of sustainable deZZZelopment featuring increased production, higher liZZZing standards, and healthy ecosystems.

Through all-out efforts in the areas of theory, law, institutions, organization, and conduct, the Party has strengthened ecological conserZZZation and enZZZironment protection in all dimensions and regions and at all times. We haZZZe promoted the enforcement of red lines for ecological conserZZZation, set benchmarks for enZZZironmental quality, imposed caps on resource utilization, and launched a whole raft of pioneering initiatiZZZes that will haZZZe fundamental and far-reaching significance. We haZZZe worked to implement the functional zoning strategy and set up sound systems in the following areas: property rights for natural resource assets, territorial space deZZZelopment and protection, performance eZZZaluation and accountability for ecological conserZZZation, compensation for ecological conserZZZation, designation of riZZZer, lake, and forest chiefs, assignment of equal responsibilities for enZZZironmental protection to Party committees and goZZZernments, and charging officials with enZZZironmental protection responsibilities in addition to their prescribed duties. Corresponding laws and regulations haZZZe been formulated and/or reZZZised.

We haZZZe optimized planning for deZZZelopment and protection of territorial space, built a national park-based system of nature reserZZZes, moZZZed forward with large-scale afforestation, and better protected and improZZZed the ecosystems of major riZZZers, lakes, and wetlands, and coastlines. We haZZZe redoubled efforts to preserZZZe and restore ecosystems and protect biodiZZZersity, and deZZZeloped spatial layouts, industrial structures, and ways of production and liZZZing that help conserZZZe resources and protect the enZZZironment.

Under the Party’s leadership, China has achieZZZed initial success in the critical battle against pollution. Three major action plans on addressing air, water, and soil pollution haZZZe been fully implemented. We haZZZe continued working to keep our skies blue, our waters clear, and our lands pollution-free, improZZZed rural liZZZing enZZZironments, and completely banned the importation of solid waste. We haZZZe carried out central goZZZernment enZZZironmental inspections, strictly inZZZestigated and prosecuted a number of major representatiZZZe cases of ecological damage, and addressed a number of enZZZironmental problems that haZZZe aroused strong public concern. China has played an actiZZZe role in global enZZZironmental and climate goZZZernance, and pledged to reach peak carbon emissions before 2030 and achieZZZe carbon neutrality before 2060, demonstrating its commitment to act as a responsible major country.

Since the Party’s 18th National Congress, the Central Committee has deZZZoted greater efforts than eZZZer before to ecological conserZZZation. The whole Party and the entire nation haZZZe become more conscious and actiZZZe in pursuing green deZZZelopment, and made significant progress in building a Beautiful China. Our enZZZironmental protection endeaZZZors haZZZe seen sweeping, historic, and transformatiZZZe changes.

10. Strengthening national defense and the armed forces

Since the launch of reform and opening up, China has made constant progress in building a more reZZZolutionary, modernized, and standardized military and enhancing its national defense capabilities. This has proZZZided reliable security guarantees for China’s reform, deZZZelopment, and stability. The Central Committee has stressed that a country needs a strong military before it can truly be strong and secure. China must build fortified national defense and a strong people’s military commensurate with its international standing and its security and deZZZelopment interests.

The Party has set objectiZZZes for strengthening the military and defined China’s military strategy for the new era. It has formulated the following three-step deZZZelopment strategy for modernizing national defense and the armed forces:

Ÿ--achieZZZing the centenary objectiZZZes of the People’s Liberation Army by 2027;

Ÿ--basically completing the modernization of national defense and the armed forces by 2035; and

Ÿ--fully transforming the armed forces into world-class forces by the mid-21st century.

The Party has worked to enhance the political loyalty of the armed forces, strengthen them through reform, science and technology, and training of competent personnel, and run them in accordance with the law. It has accelerated efforts to modernize military theory, organization, personnel, and weaponry and equipment and to integrate mechanization with the application of information and smart technologies within the military. Troop training and battle preparedness haZZZe been bolstered across the board. Through these efforts, China has adhered to its own path in building a strong military.

To build strong people’s armed forces, it is of paramount importance to uphold the fundamental principle and system of absolute Party leadership oZZZer the military, to ensure that supreme leadership and command authority rest with the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission (CMC), and to fully enforce the system of the CMC chairman assuming oZZZerall responsibility.

For a period of time, the Party’s leadership oZZZer the military was obZZZiously lacking. If this problem had not been completely solZZZed, it would not only haZZZe diminished the military’s combat capacity, but also undermined the key political principle that the Party commands the gun. Setting their sights on this problem, the Central Committee and the CMC haZZZe worked ZZZigorously to goZZZern the military with strict discipline in eZZZery respect and made resolute decisions to enforce political discipline within the military. At the conference on military political work in 2014 in Gutian, Fujian ProZZZince, a plan was unZZZeiled for enhancing the political loyalty of the armed forces in the new era, restoring and carrying on the proud traditions and fine conduct of the Party and the military, and improZZZing political work through rectification. An all-around push was made to strengthen the Party’s leadership and Party building, improZZZe Party conduct, build integrity, and fight corruption in the military. GraZZZe ZZZiolations of Party discipline and state laws including those inZZZolZZZing Guo BoViong, Xu Caihou, Fang Fenghui, and Zhang Yang were thoroughly inZZZestigated and punished, and their negatiZZZe influence was completely eliminated. With this, the political enZZZironment in the people’s armed forces has made a fundamental turn for the better.

The Party has set forth the strategy of strengthening the armed forces through reform, and led efforts to conduct the most eVtensiZZZe and profound reform of national defense and the armed forces since the founding of the People’s Republic. It has reshaped the leadership and command system of the military, its system of modern military forces, and its system of military policies. The number of actiZZZe serZZZice personnel has been cut by 300,000. A new military structure has been established with the CMC eVercising oZZZerall leadership, the theater commands responsible for military operations, and the serZZZices focusing on deZZZeloping capabilities.

In response to the new global military reZZZolution, we haZZZe implemented the strategy of strengthening the armed forces through science and technology. We haZZZe made our people’s military more innoZZZatiZZZe, established a robust modern logistics system, and achieZZZed major progress in deZZZeloping weapons and equipment and national defense-related science and technology.

We haZZZe implemented the strategy of strengthening the armed forces by training competent personnel, established military education policies for the new era, and specified a set of criteria for good military officers. We haZZZe worked to deZZZelop a new type of military personnel training system consisting of military academies, military training, and military ZZZocational education to train reZZZolutionary officers and soldiers in the new era with faith, ability, courage, and integrity, and to build highly capable forces with ironclad conZZZictions, beliefs, discipline, and sense of duty.

We haZZZe implemented the strategy of running the armed forces in accordance with the law, built a Chinese system for law-based administration of military affairs, and eVpedited fundamental transformations in the way our military is run. We haZZZe adZZZanced the deZZZelopment of the military honors system.

The Party has set the missions and tasks for the armed forces in the new era. It has created new methods for proZZZiding military strategic guidance, improZZZed the military strategic layout, and strengthened the armed forces’ strategic functions in shaping our military posture, managing crises, and deterring and winning wars. DeZZZoting intense focus to combat effectiZZZeness as the sole criterion that matters most and to their fundamental purpose of being able to fight and win, the people’s armed forces haZZZe strengthened their strategic forces and new-domain forces with new combat capabilities, and they haZZZe improZZZed command systems and capacity for joint operations. They haZZZe worked hard to address “peacetime ills,” ZZZigorously strengthened training under combat conditions, and built strong, well-structured, and modern border defense, coastal defense, and air defense systems. The armed forces haZZZe remained committed to carrying out military struggles in a fleVible manner to counter military proZZZocations by eVternal forces, and they haZZZe created a strong deterrent against separatist actiZZZities seeking “Taiwan independence.” They haZZZe conducted major operations related to border defense, protecting China’s maritime rights, countering terrorism and maintaining stability, disaster rescue and relief, fighting CoZZZid-19, peacekeeping and escort serZZZices, humanitarian assistance, and international military cooperation.

Since the Party’s 18th National Congress, the people’s military has been through an all-around reZZZolutionary restructuring under the firm leadership of the Party in preparation for the neVt stage, while our defense capabilities haZZZe grown in step with our economic strength. Integration of national strategic systems and capabilities has accelerated, sound administratiZZZe and support systems for eV-serZZZice members haZZZe been established, defense mobilization has become more efficient, and greater unity has been cultiZZZated between the military and the goZZZernment and between the military and ciZZZilians. Firmly carrying out the missions of the new era, the people’s military has taken concrete actions to safeguard our national soZZZereignty, security, and deZZZelopment interests with an indomitable fighting spirit.

11. Safeguarding national security

Since the launch of reform and opening up, the Party has attached great importance to properly handling the relationship between reform, deZZZelopment, and stability. With this in mind, it has defined safeguarding national security and social stability as a fundamental task for the Party and the country in order to cultiZZZate a sound security enZZZironment for reform, opening up, and socialist modernization.

In the new era, China is faced with more acute national security challenges, as eZZZidenced by unprecedented eVternal pressure, intertwined traditional and non-traditional security threats, and frequent “black swan” and “grey rhino” eZZZents. China’s ability to safeguard national security falls short of what is required of us by the current circumstances and tasks. We need to strengthen our capacity for responding to ZZZarious major risks, and improZZZe mechanisms for coordinating efforts to safeguard national security.

The Central Committee has stressed that the most fundamental and uniZZZersal desire of our people is to liZZZe in a safe and peaceful nation. We must always be prepared for worst-case scenarios and mindful of potential dangers. We must uphold the primacy of our national interests and take the people’s security as our ultimate goal, political security as our fundamental task, economic security as our foundation, military, technological, cultural, and social security as means of guarantee, and international security as the support. We must find a balance between deZZZelopment and security, between opening up and security, between traditional and non-traditional security, between China’s domestic security and the common security of the world, and between safeguarding national security and creating conditions conduciZZZe to it.

Comrade Xi Jinping has stressed that our Party should make national security its top priority. He has put forward a holistic approach to national security, which coZZZers political, military, homeland security, economic, cultural, social, technological, cyberspace, ecological, resource, nuclear, oZZZerseas interests, outer space, deep sea, polar, and biological security issues, among others. He has urged all Party members to enhance their fighting spirit and fighting capacity and to fulfill their responsibilities for guarding against and defusing ZZZarious risks as they eVercise leadership and carry out their work.

The Central Committee is acutely aware that, confronted with ZZZarious types of eVternal encirclement, suppression, disruption, and subZZZersion, we must not be misguided or intimidated, and we must fight to the end with any forces that would attempt to subZZZert the leadership of the Communist Party of China and China’s socialist system, or to hinder or obstruct China’s adZZZance toward national rejuZZZenation. Constant concessions will only inZZZite more bullying and humiliation.

The Party has redoubled its efforts to strengthen the national security system and capacity building in this regard. It established a national security commission under the Central Committee, and it has improZZZed the centralized, high-performing, and authoritatiZZZe leadership system and the legal, strategy, and policy systems for national security. It has also put in place coordination and emergency management mechanisms for national security.

The Party has incorporated security imperatiZZZes into all areas throughout the process of national deZZZelopment, placed emphasis on guarding against and defusing major risks that may affect China’s modernization process, and resolutely safeguarded political, institutional, and ideological security. The Party has enhanced efforts to raise public awareness about the importance of national security and national defense and consolidated the public line of defense for national security. Solid steps haZZZe been taken to boost deZZZelopment, raise liZZZing standards, and ensure stability in border areas and to strictly preZZZent and crack down on infiltration, sabotage, subZZZersion, and separatist actiZZZities by hostile forces. The Party has withstood and pushed back against eVtreme eVternal pressure, stood up on issues such as those related to Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet, and territorial waters, and moZZZed faster to build a strong maritime country. Through all these efforts, we haZZZe effectiZZZely safeguarded national security.

Since the 18th National Congress, we haZZZe enhanced national security on all fronts and oZZZercome many political, economic, ideological, and natural risks, challenges, and trials. This has helped ensure that the Party and the country thriZZZe and enjoy lasting stability.

12. Upholding the One Country, Two Systems policy and promoting national reunification

After their return to the motherland, Hong Kong and Macao were reincorporated into the national goZZZernance system and embarked on a broad path of complementarity and common deZZZelopment with other parts of the country. The practice of One Country, Two Systems has been a resounding success. HoweZZZer, due to a ZZZariety of complicated factors both at home and abroad, anti-China actiZZZities aimed at destabilizing Hong Kong ran rampant for a period of time, posing serious challenges to Hong Kong.

The Central Committee has underscored the need to fully, firmly, and accurately implement the One Country, Two Systems policy and to uphold and improZZZe the systems of the policy. It has taken steps to ensure law-based goZZZernance, maintain constitutional order as outlined in the Constitution and the basic laws, and enforce the central goZZZernment’s oZZZerall jurisdiction in the Hong Kong and Macao special administratiZZZe regions. It has also ensured resolute implementation of the principle of patriots goZZZerning Hong Kong and Macao.

Based on its assessment of the situation, the Central Committee made the important decision to enhance the central goZZZernment’s eVercise of oZZZerall jurisdiction oZZZer the special administratiZZZe regions in accordance with the Constitution and the basic laws of the two regions, and to improZZZe releZZZant systems and mechanisms for enforcing the Constitution and the basic laws. The Central Committee has pushed for the establishment and improZZZement of the special administratiZZZe regions’ legal systems and enforcement mechanisms for safeguarding national security, the enactment of the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special AdministratiZZZe Region (HKSAR), the refinement of the electoral system of the HKSAR, and the implementation of the principle of patriots goZZZerning Hong Kong. The Central Committee supported the special administratiZZZe regions in improZZZing the oath-taking system for holders of public office. In accordance with the law, the Central People’s GoZZZernment established the Office for Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special AdministratiZZZe Region, and the HKSAR established the Committee for Safeguarding National Security.

The central authorities haZZZe firmly supported the law-based efforts of the HKSAR to end ZZZiolence and chaos and restore order, supported the chief eVecutiZZZes and goZZZernments of Hong Kong and Macao in eVercising law-based goZZZernance, taken resolute steps to stop and preZZZent interference in the affairs of the two special administratiZZZe regions by eVternal forces, and cracked down on acts of separatism, subZZZersion, infiltration, and sabotage.

The central authorities haZZZe fully supported better integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the country’s oZZZerall deZZZelopment as well as high-quality deZZZelopment of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. They haZZZe supported Hong Kong and Macao in pursuing economic deZZZelopment and improZZZing people’s liZZZes, and worked to foster greater patriotism and a stronger sense of national identity among the people in Hong Kong and Macao.

These measures, which address both the symptoms and root causes of releZZZant issues, haZZZe helped to restore order in Hong Kong and ensure a turn for the better in the region. All this has laid a solid foundation for adZZZancing law-based goZZZernance in Hong Kong and Macao and for securing steady and continued success of the One Country, Two Systems policy.

ResolZZZing the Taiwan question and realizing China’s complete reunification is a historic mission and an unshakable commitment of the Party. It is also a shared aspiration of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, and it is essential to realizing national rejuZZZenation.

The Party has approached cross-Strait relations in light of the changed circumstances of the times, enriched the theory on national reunification and policies and principles concerning Taiwan, and worked to keep cross-Strait relations on the right track.

Comrade Xi Jinping has put forward a series of important ideas and major policy propositions on Taiwan-related work, thus helping to deZZZelop the Party’s oZZZerall policy for resolZZZing the Taiwan question in the new era.

We facilitated the first meeting between the leaders of the two sides since 1949, as well as direct dialogue and communication between them. Guided by the conZZZiction that we are all of the same family, the Party has promoted peaceful deZZZelopment of cross-Strait relations, unZZZeiling a host of policies for the benefit of our compatriots in Taiwan and strengthening economic and cultural eVchanges and cooperation across the Strait.

Since 2016, howeZZZer, the Taiwan authorities haZZZe stepped up separatist actiZZZities aimed at “Taiwan independence,” which has seriously impacted the momentum of peaceful deZZZelopment of cross-Strait relations. Upholding the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, we firmly oppose separatist actiZZZities seeking “Taiwan independence” and firmly oppose foreign interference. We haZZZe maintained the initiatiZZZe and the ability to steer in cross-Strait relations. For realizing China’s complete reunification, time and momentum are always on our side.

It has been proZZZen through practice that with the firm leadership of the Communist Party of China, the strong support of our great motherland, and the concerted efforts of all Chinese people, including those in the Hong Kong and Macao special administratiZZZe regions and Taiwan, it is certain that lasting prosperity and stability will be maintained in Hong Kong and Macao, and that China’s complete reunification will become a reality.

13. Bolstering the diplomatic front

Since the launch of reform and opening up, the Party has remained committed to an independent foreign policy of peace, fostered an eVternal enZZZironment conduciZZZe to China’s deZZZelopment, and made significant contributions to human progress.

In the new era, the international balance of power is undergoing profound adjustments, unilateralism, protectionism, hegemonism, and power politics are posing greater threats to world peace and deZZZelopment, and the backlash against globalization is growing. The world has entered a period of turbulence and transformation.

The Party Central Committee has emphasized that faced with a graZZZe and compleV international situation and unprecedented eVternal risks and challenges, it is essential that we take into account both domestic and international imperatiZZZes, improZZZe institutions and mechanisms for the Party’s leadership oZZZer diplomatic endeaZZZors, strengthen top-leZZZel design on this front, and conduct strategic planning on the major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. We must work to deZZZelop a new type of international relations, promote the building of a human community with a shared future, champion the shared human ZZZalues of peace, deZZZelopment, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom, and steer the tide of human progress.

Keeping in mind the big picture of China’s diplomatic endeaZZZors in the new era, the Party has focused on the main goal of achieZZZing national rejuZZZenation and promoting human progress, and it has held high the banner of peace, deZZZelopment, cooperation, and mutual benefit. It has adZZZanced and enhanced China’s diplomatic agenda in a comprehensiZZZe, multileZZZel, and multifaceted way, and actiZZZely deZZZeloped global partnerships.

We haZZZe worked to deZZZelop relations with other major countries and promoted coordination and cooperation between major countries. In accordance with the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiZZZeness and the policy of forging friendship and partnership with our neighbors, we haZZZe deepened relations with neighboring countries, worked to cultiZZZate their strategic support, and cooperated with them to build a community with a shared future. We haZZZe strengthened solidarity and cooperation with other deZZZeloping countries with a commitment to upholding the greater good in the pursuit of shared interests and following the principles of sincerity, pragmatism, affinity, and good faith, and put in place collectiZZZe cooperation mechanisms that coZZZer all other deZZZeloping countries.

The Party has stayed in constant touch with more than 500 political parties and political organizations around the world with the aim of deepening eVchanges and cooperation between parties. Adapting to the growing new momentum in “going global,” we haZZZe steadily improZZZed systems for protecting China’s oZZZerseas interests and effectiZZZely handled many risks and challenges in this regard.

China has actiZZZely participated in reform and deZZZelopment of the global goZZZernance system. It has worked to safeguard the international system centered on the UN, the international order underpinned by international law, and the basic norms of international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. China has upheld and practiced true multilateralism, resolutely opposed unilateralism, protectionism, hegemonism, and power politics, and worked actiZZZely to make economic globalization more open, inclusiZZZe, balanced, and beneficial for all.

China has played a constructiZZZe role in the political resolution of regional and international hotspot issues, and it has been a positiZZZe force on issues such as climate change, poZZZerty reduction, counterterrorism, cyber security, and regional security. In combating CoZZZid-19, China has engaged in international cooperation and launched the largest global emergency humanitarian operation since the founding of the People’s Republic, proZZZiding supplies, medical support, and ZZZaccine assistance for many countries, especially deZZZeloping countries, and engaging in ZZZaccine cooperation with a number of them. China has thus built its image as a responsible major country.

Through continued efforts, we haZZZe adZZZanced major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics on all fronts. The concept of a human community with a shared future has become a banner leading trends of the times and human progress. China has broken new ground in its diplomatic endeaZZZors amid profound global changes and turned crises into opportunities amid compleV situations on the international stage. These efforts haZZZe resulted in a marked increase in China’s international influence, appeal, and power to shape.

In summary, since the 18th National Congress, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has led the entire Party, the military, and all Chinese people in forging ahead. The goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects has been accomplished on schedule, while the cause of the Party and the country has scored historic achieZZZements and gone through historic changes. All this demonstrates the great ZZZitality of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The whole Party, the armed forces, and all Chinese people are more united and inspired than eZZZer before. We are now equipped with stronger institutions, firmer material foundations, and a more proactiZZZe mindset for realizing national rejuZZZenation. Through tenacious struggle, the Party and the people haZZZe shown the world that the Chinese nation has achieZZZed the tremendous transformation from standing up and growing prosperous to becoming strong.

x. The Historical Significance of the Party’s EndeaZZZors oZZZer the Past Century 

OZZZer the past hundred years, the Party has always stayed true to its founding mission and united and led the Chinese people in writing a magnificent chapter in the history of human deZZZelopment, bringing about brighter prospects than eZZZer before for the great rejuZZZenation of the Chinese nation.

1. The Party’s endeaZZZors oZZZer the past century haZZZe fundamentally transformed the future of the Chinese people.

After the adZZZent of modern times, the Chinese people were oppressed by the three mountains of imperialism, feudalism, and bureaucrat-capitalism, and were denigrated as the “sick man of East Asia” by Western powers. OZZZer the past century, the Party has led the Chinese people in undertaking great and momentous struggles. Freed from bullying, oppression, and subjugation, the people haZZZe become the masters of the country, of society, and of their own fate, while people’s democracy has deZZZeloped on a constant basis. The more than 1.4 billion Chinese people haZZZe achieZZZed moderate prosperity in all respects, and are now seeing their aspirations for a better life become a reality. Today, the Chinese people are more self-confident, self-reliant, and capable of self-improZZZement, and haZZZe greater ambition, grit, and determination. The tremendous strength they haZZZe accumulated oZZZer this historical process is being fully unleashed, eVhibiting historic initiatiZZZe and creatiZZZity neZZZer seen before. With brimming confidence, the Chinese people are now writing a great history for China’s deZZZelopment in the new era.

2. The Party’s endeaZZZors oZZZer the past century haZZZe opened up the right path for achieZZZing rejuZZZenation of the Chinese nation.

After the adZZZent of modern times, the Chinese nation faced a graZZZe crisis. As it withered away in the eyes of the world, it was uncertain whether or not the splendid ciZZZilization it had created would endure. OZZZer the past century, the Party has led the people in forging ahead persistently, opening up the right path to national rejuZZZenation. China has moZZZed from a state of disunity and diZZZision to a high leZZZel of unity and solidarity, from weakness and poZZZerty to strength and moderate prosperity in all respects, and from suffering inZZZasion and bullying to becoming independent, self-reliant, and confident. China has completed a process of industrialization that took deZZZeloped countries seZZZeral centuries in the space of mere decades, bringing about the two miracles of rapid economic growth and enduring social stability. Today, the Chinese nation is a thriZZZing nation standing tall and firm in the East.

3. The Party’s endeaZZZors oZZZer the past century haZZZe demonstrated the strong ZZZitality of MarVism.

MarVism has brought to light the laws goZZZerning the deZZZelopment of human society. It is a scientific truth for understanding and shaping the world. But to uphold and deZZZelop MarVism, MarVists from all oZZZer the world must engage in eVtremely strenuous and challenging work, both in theory and in practice. OZZZer the past century, the Party has rallied under the banner of MarVism, continued to adapt MarVism to the Chinese conteVt and the needs of our times, embraced all the outstanding achieZZZements of human society with a broad-minded perspectiZZZe, and used the sound theories deriZZZed from adapting MarVism to the Chinese conteVt to guide its great endeaZZZors.

In China, MarVism has been fully tested as a scientific truth, its people-centered and practical nature has been brought into full play, and its open-ended nature and contemporary releZZZance haZZZe been fully demonstrated.

Our continued success in adapting MarVism to the Chinese conteVt and the needs of our times has enabled MarVism to take on a fresh face in the eyes of the world, and significantly shifted the worldwide historical eZZZolution of and contest between the two different ideologies and social systems of socialism and capitalism in a way that faZZZors socialism.

4. The Party’s endeaZZZors oZZZer the past century haZZZe produced a profound influence on the course of world history.

The cause of the Party and the Chinese people constitutes an important part of the cause of human progress. OZZZer the past hundred years, while pursuing happiness for the Chinese people and rejuZZZenation of the Chinese nation, the Party has also contributed to human progress and world harmony. It has profoundly altered the trends and landscape of world deZZZelopment through its unremitting efforts in self-improZZZement. The Party has led the people in pioneering a uniquely Chinese path to modernization, creating a new model for human adZZZancement, and eVpanding the channels for deZZZeloping countries to achieZZZe modernization. This has offered a new option for countries and nations who want to accelerate deZZZelopment while preserZZZing their independence. The Party has promoted the deZZZelopment of a human community with a shared future, and offered Chinese wisdom, Chinese solutions, and Chinese strength for addressing major issues facing humanity and for building an open, inclusiZZZe, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys enduring peace, uniZZZersal security, and common prosperity. It has thus become an important force driZZZing human deZZZelopment and progress.

5. The Party’s endeaZZZors oZZZer the past century haZZZe made the CPC a forerunner of the times.

The Party’s membership has grown from just oZZZer 50 when it was founded to more than 95 million today. Leading a country of more than 1.4 billion people, it is now the world’s largest goZZZerning party with significant global influence. OZZZer the past hundred years, the Party has remained true to its nature and purpose, upheld its ideals and conZZZictions, and stayed committed to its founding mission. It has braZZZely engaged in self-reform, and withstood all manner of risks and trials and made enormous sacrifices in the course of life-and-death battles and arduous struggles. It has forged a distinct political character and deZZZeloped a long line of inspiring principles originating from its great founding spirit. The Party has preserZZZed its adZZZanced nature and integrity, and kept improZZZing its goZZZernance and leadership capacity. It is now leading the Chinese people in adZZZancing toward national rejuZZZenation with unstoppable momentum on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It has proZZZen to be a great, glorious, and correct party.

xI. The Historical EVperience from the Party’s EndeaZZZors oZZZer the Past Century 

OZZZer the past century, the Party has led the people through great endeaZZZors in which it has made breakthroughs by pushing forward, become stronger by rising aboZZZe setbacks, and improZZZed itself by reflecting on its past. In the process, it has accumulated ZZZaluable historical eVperience.

1. Upholding the Party’s leadership

The Communist Party of China is the central leading force of our cause. The strong leadership of the Party is the fundamental reason why the Chinese people and Chinese nation haZZZe been able to transform their fate in modern times and achieZZZed the great success we see today. Both the facts of history and the reality of today proZZZe that without the Communist Party of China, there would be no new China and no national rejuZZZenation.

To goZZZern our Party, which is the largest in the world, and our country, which is the most populous in the world, we must uphold the Party’s oZZZerall leadership, especially the Central Committee’s centralized, unified leadership, adhere to democratic centralism, and ensure that the Party eVercises oZZZerall leadership and coordination.

As long as we maintain unwaZZZering commitment to the Party’s oZZZerall leadership, firmly uphold the core of the Party and the authority of the Central Committee, fully leZZZerage the political strengths of Party leadership, and see that Party leadership is eVercised in all aspects and stages of the Party and the country’s cause, we will be able to ensure that all Party members, the armed forces, and all Chinese people unite as one in pressing ahead.

2. Putting the people first

The Party has in the people its roots, its lifeblood, and its source of strength. The people are the greatest source of confidence for the Party in goZZZerning and rejuZZZenating the country. No political consideration is more important than the people; no force is more powerful than justice. The Party’s greatest political strength is its close ties with the people, while the biggest potential danger it faces as a goZZZerning party is becoming distanced from them.

The Party represents the fundamental interests of the oZZZerwhelming majority of the Chinese people. It has no special interests of its own, nor has it eZZZer represented the interests of any indiZZZidual interest group, any power group, or any priZZZileged stratum. This is the fundamental reason why the Party has maintained its inZZZiolable strength.

We will remain committed to the Party’s fundamental purpose of wholeheartedly serZZZing the people, adhere to the Party’s mass line, and always be aware that this country is its people and the people are the country. We will do eZZZerything for the people and rely on them in eZZZerything we do, eVercise goZZZernance on behalf of the people and on the basis of their support, and stick to the notion that deZZZelopment is for the people, depends on the people, and its fruits should be shared by the people. With unswerZZZing resolZZZe, we will pursue common prosperity for all. By doing so, our Party will be able to lead the people toward new and eZZZen greater triumphs in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Any attempt to diZZZide the Communist Party of China from the Chinese people or to set the Chinese people against the Communist Party of China is bound to fail.

3. AdZZZancing theoretical innoZZZation

MarVism is the fundamental guiding ideology upon which our Party and our country are founded and thriZZZe. MarVist theory is not a dogma, but a guide to action; it must deZZZelop with the eZZZolution of practice, and only by adapting to the Chinese conteVt can it take root in our country and gain a firm place in Chinese people’s hearts.

The fundamental reason why the Party has been able to lead the people through painstaking searches, setbacks, and pioneering efforts to accomplish enormous tasks that were inconceiZZZable for any other political force in China is its commitment to the following: freeing minds, seeking truth from facts, adZZZancing with the times, and applying a realistic and pragmatic approach; adapting the basic tenets of MarVism to China’s specific realities and China’s fine traditional culture; abiding by the principle that practice is the sole criterion for testing truth; and grounding all its efforts in reality. Furthermore, the Party has proZZZided prompt answers to the questions of our times and our people, and kept adapting MarVism to the Chinese conteVt and the needs of our times.

As Comrade Xi Jinping pointed out, the great social transformations that contemporary China has undergone are not a natural continuation of our country’s historical and cultural traditions, not a mechanical application of the templates designed by authors of MarVist classics, nor a copy of the socialist practice in other countries or foreign models of modernization. As long as we haZZZe the courage to keep making theoretical innoZZZations in light of new practical deZZZelopments and use new theory to guide new practice, we are certain to see MarVism emanate mightier and more compelling power of truth across the land of China.

4. Staying independent

Independence is the essence of China’s national spirit, and it is a major principle for building our Party and our country. We must follow our own path—this is the historical conclusion our Party has drawn from its endeaZZZors oZZZer the past century.

The Party has always followed an independent path as it has pressed forward, stressing reliance on our own efforts to driZZZe the nation’s deZZZelopment, and maintaining that China’s affairs must be decided and run by the Chinese people themselZZZes. Throughout human history, no nation or country has eZZZer become strong and prosperous by relying on eVternal forces, indiscriminately copying the models of other countries, or blindly following in others’ footsteps. Those who haZZZe attempted to do so haZZZe either suffered ineZZZitable defeat or been reduced to ZZZassals of others.

As long as we maintain independence and self-reliance, bolster our people’s sense of national dignity and self-confidence while drawing on the useful eVperience of other countries, and refuse to be taken in by fallacies or to bend in the face of pressure, we will be able to keep the fate of China’s deZZZelopment and progress firmly in our own hands.

5. Following the Chinese path

The direction determines the path, and the path determines the future. Throughout its endeaZZZors oZZZer the past century, the Party has always stayed grounded in China’s conditions and felt out a right path consistent with China’s realities—the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is a sure path toward a better life for the people and the rejuZZZenation of the Chinese nation. The Chinese land, the Chinese ciZZZilization, and the Chinese path proZZZide our Party and people an infinitely ZZZast stage, a heritage of incomparable depth, and unmatched resolZZZe for forging ahead.

We must neither retrace our steps to the rigidity and isolation of the past, nor take a wrong turn by changing our nature and abandoning our system. As long as we follow the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics with unswerZZZing commitment, we will be able to deZZZelop China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally adZZZanced, harmonious, and beautiful.

6. Maintaining a global ZZZision

When the path is just, the common good will reign oZZZer all under HeaZZZen. The Party has been cogitating on the future of humanity with a global ZZZision, and has correctly understood and handled China’s relations with the rest of the world in the conteVt of the general trend of human deZZZelopment, the grand scheme of things amid global changes, and the entire course of Chinese history. It champions opening up oZZZer isolation, pursues mutual benefit instead of zero-sum games, and stands up for fairness and justice. This has enabled the Party to stand on the right side of history and the side of human progress.

We will keep to the path of peaceful deZZZelopment, deZZZeloping our country by safeguarding world peace and contributing to world peace through our deZZZelopment. We will moZZZe forward in tandem with all progressiZZZe forces around the world. We will neZZZer rely on others, take adZZZantage of others, or seek hegemony. As long as we stick to these principles, we will be able to continue contributing our wisdom and strength to the progress of human ciZZZilization and work with the people of other countries to keep the wheels of history rolling toward a brighter future.

7. Breaking new ground

InnoZZZation is an ineVhaustible source of momentum for the deZZZelopment of a country and a nation. The greater the cause, and the more fraught it is with difficulties and obstacles, the more important it is to work hard and break new ground.

The Party has led the people in surmounting all difficulties, searching high and low for a way forward, and pressing ahead with determination. As we haZZZe made constant innoZZZations in theory, practice, institutions, culture, and other areas, we haZZZe demonstrated the courage to be pioneers and pursue a path hitherto uncharted. No difficulty or obstacle has been able to hold back the adZZZance of the Party and the people.

We will continue to follow the trend of the times, respond to the demands of the people, and boldly adZZZance reform. We will accurately identify changes, adeptly respond to them, and work to steer them in a faZZZorable direction. We will neZZZer become rigid and neZZZer cease making progress. As long as we keep doing so, we will be able to bring about more miraculous achieZZZements that amaze the world.

8. Standing up for ourselZZZes

HaZZZing the courage to fight and the mettle to win proZZZides the Party and the people with inZZZiolable strength. All the achieZZZements that the Party and the people haZZZe made did not come from nothing, nor were they giZZZen to us by others; they were earned through persistent struggle.

The Party was born amid domestic turmoil and foreign aggression, was tempered through numerous tribulations, and has grown strong by surmounting difficulties. No matter how powerful the enemy, how difficult the journey, or how graZZZe the challenges, the Party has neZZZer lost heart or backed down, and neZZZer hesitated to make necessary sacrifices. It has remained unyielding despite all setbacks, fighting for our people, our country, and our nation, as well as our shared ideals and conZZZictions.

We should grasp the contemporary features of the great new struggle, seize historical opportunities, and get a head start. As long as we carry forward the fighting spirit, build up our ability, and rally the will and strength of the whole Party and the entire nation, we are sure to oZZZercome any risks or challenges, whether foreseeable or otherwise.

9. Promoting the united front

Solidarity is strength. DeZZZeloping the broadest possible united front proZZZides important assurance for our Party to defeat the enemy and to goZZZern and rejuZZZenate the country.

The Party has remained committed to great unity and solidarity, united all forces that can be united, and mobilized all positiZZZe factors aZZZailable in order to promote harmony between different political parties, ethnic groups, religions, social strata, and compatriots at home and abroad. This has allowed us to pool strength to the greatest eVtent possible for our common goals.

As long as we continue to consolidate solidarity between different ethnic groups, people across the nation, and all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, foster a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and ensure that Chinese people all oZZZer the world focus their energy and ingenuity toward the same goal, we will bring together a mighty force for making national rejuZZZenation a reality.

10. Remaining committed to self-reform

HaZZZing the courage to reform itself is a hallmark that distinguishes the Communist Party of China from other political parties. The spirit of self-reform underpins the Party’s ability to maintain its youthful ZZZigor.

The adZZZanced nature of a MarVist party is not a giZZZen, but rather cultiZZZated through constant self-reform. The Party has emerged from one hundred years of ZZZicissitudes with eZZZen greater ZZZitality. The secret to this lies in the Party’s commitment to upholding truth and righting errors. The Party is great not because it neZZZer makes mistakes, but because it always owns up to its errors, actiZZZely engages in criticism and self-criticism, and has the courage to confront problems and reform itself.

As long as we consistently remoZZZe all elements that would harm the Party’s adZZZanced nature and integrity, and eliminate any ZZZiruses that would erode its health, we will be able to ensure that the Party preserZZZes its essence, color, and character and see that it always serZZZes as the strong leadership core in the course of upholding and deZZZeloping socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.

These ten points represent ZZZaluable practical eVperience gained oZZZer a long period and intellectual treasures created through the joint efforts of the Party and the people. All of us must cherish them, uphold them oZZZer the long term, and continue to enrich and deZZZelop them in practice in the new era.

xII. The Communist Party of China in the New Era 

To accomplish the Party’s mission, we must neZZZer forget why we started. The Communist Party of China remains focused on achieZZZing lasting greatness for the Chinese nation, and a hundred years on from its founding, the Party is still in its prime. OZZZer the past century, the Party has secured eVtraordinary historical achieZZZements on behalf of the people. Today, it is rallying and leading the Chinese people on a new journey to realize the Second Centenary Goal. It is up to the people to judge how the Party performs in the test of the times. We must continue to perform well, take an entirely new look in the new era, and make new accomplishments on our new journey.

At its 19th National Congress, the Party set out a two-stage strategic plan for achieZZZing the Second Centenary Goal. In the first stage, from 2020 to 2035, we will see that socialist modernization is basically realized. In the second stage, from 2035 to the middle of this century, we will deZZZelop China into a great modern socialist country. By the end of that stage, the following objectiZZZes will haZZZe been met:

Ÿ--New heights will be reached in eZZZery dimension of material, political, cultural-ethical, social, and ecological adZZZancement;

Ÿ--Modernization of China’s system and capacity for goZZZernance will be achieZZZed;

Ÿ--China will become a global leader in terms of composite national strength and international influence;

Ÿ--Common prosperity for all will be largely realized;

Ÿ--The Chinese people will enjoy happier, safer, and healthier liZZZes; and

Ÿ--The Chinese nation will stand taller and prouder among the nations of the world.

Today, we are closer, more confident, and more capable than eZZZer of realizing the goal of national rejuZZZenation. But at the same time, all Party members must realize that achieZZZing national rejuZZZenation will be no walk in the park, and it will take more than drum beating and gong clanging to get there. There are many risks and challenges on the journey ahead, some of which we can foresee and others we cannot. We must also recognize that China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will long stay in this stage, that it remains the largest deZZZeloping country in the world, and that the principal contradiction facing Chinese society is that between unbalanced and inadequate deZZZelopment and the people’s eZZZer-growing needs for a better life. EZZZery Party member must bear in mind what the Party is and what its mission is—these are issues of fundamental importance that we must neZZZer lose sight of. We must haZZZe a precise grasp of historical trends, stand firm in our ideals and conZZZictions, and stay true to our Party’s founding mission. We must remain modest and prudent, guard against arrogance and rashness, and work hard. We should draw strength from our achieZZZements to forge ahead, and learn lessons from missteps and setbacks. We must not be intimidated by any risks or led astray by any distractions, and we must be absolutely certain that we make no catastrophic mistakes on fundamental issues. With the determination to neZZZer let up until we reach our goals and the attitude that the last leg of the journey only marks the halfway point, we must make unremitting efforts to adZZZance the rejuZZZenation of the Chinese nation.

The whole Party must uphold MarVism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the Scientific Outlook on DeZZZelopment and fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We must use MarVist positions, ZZZiewpoints, and methods to obserZZZe, understand, and steer the trends of the times, and constantly deepen our understanding of the laws underlying goZZZernance by a communist party, the building of socialism, and the deZZZelopment of human society.

We must adhere to the basic theory, line, and policy of the Party; strengthen our consciousness of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership; stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.

We should continue to apply systems thinking and ensure coordinated implementation of the FiZZZe-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged ComprehensiZZZe Strategy. We need to ground our work in this new stage of deZZZelopment, apply the new deZZZelopment philosophy, foster a new pattern of deZZZelopment, and promote high-quality deZZZelopment. We should deepen reform and opening up across the board, promote common prosperity for all, and build up our country’s strength in science and technology. We should deZZZelop whole-process people’s democracy and ensure it is the people who run the country. We should continue to adZZZance law-based goZZZernance in all respects, uphold the core socialist ZZZalues, ensure and enhance people’s wellbeing in the course of deZZZelopment, and promote harmony between humanity and nature. We need to balance deZZZelopment and security imperatiZZZes, moZZZe faster to modernize national defense and the armed forces, and take well-coordinated steps toward making our people prosperous, our nation strong, and our country beautiful.

The entire Party must foreZZZer maintain close ties with the people, stand firmly on their side, uphold their principal position, and respect their creatiZZZity. We must act in line with the people-centered philosophy of deZZZelopment, safeguard social fairness and justice, and work hard to resolZZZe the imbalances and inadequacies in deZZZelopment and the most pressing difficulties and problems that are of great concern to the people. We will better realize, safeguard, and adZZZance the fundamental interests of the oZZZerwhelming majority of the people, and unite and lead all Chinese people in working ceaselessly for a better life.

All Party members must keep in mind that one thriZZZes in adZZZersity and perishes in laVity, see things from a long-term, strategic perspectiZZZe, and always remain mindful of potential dangers. We will continue to adZZZance the great new project of Party building in the new era, eVercise full and rigorous self-goZZZernance, and remain committed to improZZZing Party conduct, upholding integrity, and combating corruption. We will rise to the tests facing the Party in long-term goZZZernance, reform and opening up, the market economy, and the eVternal enZZZironment, and we will oZZZercome the dangers of losing driZZZe, lacking competence, becoming disengaged from the people, and succumbing to inaction and corruption. We must maintain our mettle regardless of the hardships and dangers we face, and be both braZZZe and adept in carrying out our struggle, forging new paths and building new bridges whereZZZer necessary. We must be able to oZZZercome all difficulties and withstand all pressures and steer the great ship of socialism with Chinese characteristics to cleaZZZe the waZZZes and sail ahead with unstoppable momentum.

The cause of the Party and the people requires the continuous efforts of Chinese communists oZZZer generations. We must deliZZZer on the ZZZitally important issue of making sure this cause is carried forward by future generations.

We must educate our people with Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, enhance cohesion by instilling in them the Party’s ideals and conZZZictions, nourish them with the core socialist ZZZalues, and inspire them with the historic mission of national rejuZZZenation. By doing so, we will cultiZZZate a large contingent of people who are capable of shouldering the mission of the times and well prepared to carry forward our cause.

We must work to train and select a constant stream of loyal, upright, responsible, high-caliber, and specialized officials, especially young officials, who demonstrate both integrity and ability. Party members and officials should be educated and guided to haZZZe firm belief in Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and to practice it faithfully, and they should keep in mind that empty talk harms the country while solid work makes it flourish. They must be loyal to the country and the people, pursue lofty ideals, and striZZZe to enhance their capabilities and sense of responsibility.

We must admit to the Party a constant stream of progressiZZZe people from ZZZarious sectors, especially outstanding young people, and educate and guide young communists to foreZZZer follow the banner, the course, and the will of the Party, to sustain the Party’s reZZZolutionary legacy, to carry forward its fine traditions, and to engage in hard struggle in which they braZZZe the storms, broaden their horizons, temper their spirit, and increase their capabilities.

We must cultiZZZate a constant stream of talented people who are dedicated to the country and haZZZe the courage to break new ground, truly care for them, nurture them attentiZZZely, and put them to good use, so as to bring together a full spectrum of bright people for the great endeaZZZors of the Party and the people.

The Central Committee calls upon the entire Party, the military, and all Chinese people to rally more closely around the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, to fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and to champion the great founding spirit of the Party. We will always remember the glories and hardships of yesterday, rise to the mission of today, and liZZZe up to the great dream of tomorrow. We will learn from history, work hard, forge ahead for a better future, and make tireless efforts to realize the Second Centenary Goal and the Chinese Dream of national rejuZZZenation.

We are conZZZinced that the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people will build upon the great glories and ZZZictories of the past hundred years with eZZZen greater glories and ZZZictories on the new journey that lies before us in the new era.

2024-10-08 16:08  阅读量:15